Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
Developing A Great Marriage
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Development Of Mighty Witnesses For Christ
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 24: 13-49
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 24: 13-49
Divine Providence
Pastor David Abeyta
Various Scriptures
Pastor David Abeyta
Various Scriptures
Divorce: The Scourge of our Time
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 5:31-32
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 5:31-32
Intro: Matthew 5:31-32
A. What Does God Think About Divorce?
1. He Hates It (Malachi 2:14-16)
B. Why Does God Allow Divorce? (Matthew 19:7-8)
C. When Does God Allow Divorce?
1. Not For Frivolous Reasons (Matthew 19:3-6, Deuteronomy 22:1-4, 22:22-23)
2. God Allows Divorce For Pornea (Matthew 19:9, 5:31-33, Jeremiah 3:6-13)
3. God Allows Divorce For Abandonment By An Unbelieving Spouse (2 Corinthians 7:10-16, Ezra 10:10-11)
C. Does God Allow Remarriage?
1. No, If Divorce is for Unbiblical Reasons (1 Corinthians 7:10)
2. Yes, But Very Cautiously (1 Corinthians 7:26-35)
3. Yes, If Your Spouse Dies (1 Corinthians 7:39-40)
Do You Love Me?
Pastor:David Abeyta
John 21
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Pastor:David Abeyta
John 21
Don't Hinder The Children: How Not to Hinder the Children
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:13-15
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:13-15
Don't Hinder the Children
How Not to Hinder the Children?
Matthew 19:13-15
1. Bring Them
(Matthew 18:5-6, Proverbs 14:4)
2. Protect Them
(1 Peter 5:8)
a. From Evil Influences
b. From Evil People
3. Encourage Them
(1 Thessalonians 2:10)
a. By Our Behavior
b. By Our Words
4. Pray For Them
(2 Timothy 1:1-6)
5. Provide Them With a Good Role-Model
(1 Corinthians 4:14-17)
6. Disciple Them
a. The Purpose (Ephesians 6:1-3)
b. The Technique
*Not Harsh
*Not Permissive
(1 Samuel 2:12-29, Proverbs 22:15, 23:13, 29:15)
7. Save Them
(Psalm 51:5, 58:3)
8. Free Them
(Exodus 20:5)
9. Value Them
(Psalm 127:3, 139:13-16)
Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:24-29
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Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:24-29
John 20: 24 – 29
A. Categories of Doubt
1. Good Doubt (Acts 17: 11; Isaiah 8: 19 – 20)
2. Provisional Doubt (John 20: 26 – 28)
3. Temporary Doubt (Matthew 14: 25 – 31; Hebrews 12: 2)
4. Inexcusable Doubt (Genesis 3: 1 – 6; Matthew 12: 38 – 39)
5. Convenient Doubt (Psalms 14: 1 – 2; Romans 1: 18 – 20)
B. Overcoming Doubt
1. Prayer (Matthew 21: 21 – 22; Marl 9: 17 - 24)
2. God’s Word (Romans 4: 19 – 21; Romans 10: 17)
3. Obedience (II Corinthians 13: 5; I John 5: 11 – 13)
C. The Blessing of Not-Doubting
(I Peter 1: 8 – 9)
Dying in sin - a formula
Pastor David Abeyta
John 8:21,24
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Pastor David Abeyta
John 8:21,24
Dying In Sin, A Formula
John 8: 21, 24
A. Violate Your Conscience
(John 8: 1 - 11)
1. What Did Christ Write? (John 8: 6 - 8; Exodus 31: 18)
2. Their Response To His Writing
(John 8: 9; Romans 7: 7 - 25)
3. The Conscience
(Romans 1: 18 – 19, 1: 24 - 28, 2: 14 – 15; I Timothy 4: 2)
B. Ignore The Evidence
(John 8: 12, 1: 4 – 19; Psalms 19: 1; Romans 1: 20;
Acts 14: 15 – 17)
C. Cling To Your Unbelief
1. The Claims of Jesus (John 8: 24 – 29)
2. Their Response
a. “You are A Liar !†(John 8: 13)
b. “You are A Bastard !†(John 8: 19 – 41)
c. “You are Crazy !†(John 8: 2)
d. “You are Demon Possessed !†(John 8: 48)
D. Revel In Self-Righteousness
(John 8: 32 – 33; Romans 2: 17 – 20, 3: 9 – 11; Ephesians 2: 8 - 9)
Easter Examination
Pastor: David Abeyta
Mark 16:1-16
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Mark 16:1-16
Easter Examination
Mark 16:1-16
A. How Deep is Your Love?
(Mark 16:1)
1. Love Demonstrated by the Women
a. Love Expresses Itself (Mark 16:1, John 19:39-40)
b. Love Exercises Itself (Mark 16:2)
c. Love Exerts Itself (Mark 16:3, 15:40-41)
2. Love Demonstrated by God
a. Encouraging Love (Mark 16:4)
b. Clarifying Love (Mark 16:5-6)
c. Directive Love (Mark 16:7, 1 Corinthians 15:3-6)
B. How Deep is Your Reverence?
(Mark 16:8)
1. Astonished by His Resurrection
(Revelation 1:17-18)
2. Astonished by His Mercy
(Mark 16:9-11, John 20:11-18)
C. How Deep is Your Faith?
(Mark 16:11-14, John 20:19-29, 1 Peter 1:8-9)
D. How Deep is Your Commitment?
(Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20)
Easter Hope
Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Peter 1:3-21
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Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Peter 1:3-21
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 9
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 9
Romans 9
A. The Need for Election
1. Man is Hostile Toward God (Romans 9:1-3)
2. Man Abuses God's Blessing and Privileges (Romans 9:4-5)
3. Man Looks For Any Excuse to Deny God (Romans 9:6)
B. The Example of Election
1. Not Based on Man's Effort (Romans 9:6-7)
2. Not Based on Man's Deeds (Romans 9:10-11)
3. Not Based on God's Capriciousness (Romans 9:12-13)
C. Objections to Election
1. It's Not Fair (Romans 9:14-16)
2. It Makes Man a Robot (Romans 9:16-17, 4:5, Joshua 2:10-11)
3. Does God Elect Some to Hell? (Romans 9:18, Exodus 4:21, 7:3, 13)
4. Election is Hard to Understand (Romans 13:48)
5. Does Election Discourage Evangelism? (Romans 10:13-15, Acts 18:9-11)
6. Election is Hard to Accept (Romans 9:19-23)
D. The Objects of Election
1. Gentiles (Romans 9:24)
2. Jews, Remnant (Romans 9:27-29)
3. Those Who Place Their Faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 9:30)
Eliezer of Damascus - A Faithful Servant
Raul Caracoza
Genesis Chapter 24
Raul Caracoza
Genesis Chapter 24
The faithfulness of Eliezer of Damacus and his service to his earthly master - Abraham, and his heavenly master - God.
A prime example of service and humility
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."
Colossians 3:23-24
Eternal Life
Pastor:David Abeyta
John 8
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Pastor:David Abeyta
John 8
Evidence that demands a verdict
Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:30-31
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Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:30-31
Evidence That Demands A Verdict
John 20: 30 – 31, 21, 25
A. The Opened Tomb
(John 20: 1; Mark 16: 4; Matthew 27: 62 – 66; Mark 14: 50 – 51)
B. The Linen Wrappings
(John 20: 5 – 9, 19: 38 – 40, 11: 44)
C. The Angels
(John 20: 11 – 13; Luke 24: 2 – 6; Exodus 25: 17 - 22)
D. The Risen Christ
(John 20: 14 – 18)
1. Do Not Panic (John 20: 14 – 18, 14: 2 – 3)
2. Do Not Fear (John 20: 19 – 20; Revelation 5: 11 - 14)
3. Do Not Cower (John 20: 21, 17: 18)
* You Have The Power (John 20: 22; Acts 1: 8)
* You Have The Authority
(John 20: 23, II Corinthians 5: 18 – 21)
E. The Risen Christ Identifies Himself to Thomas
(John 20: 24 – 29)
1. Doubting Defined (John 20: 28)
2. Doubting Resolved (John 20: 27 – 29)
Exalting Christ
Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Cor 1: 18- 2:16
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Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Cor 1: 18- 2:16
Examine Your Heart
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 13
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 13
Pastor:David Abeyta
John 21
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Pastor:David Abeyta
John 21
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Faith Filled Life
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 12:1-4
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 12:1-4
Faith In Operation
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 11
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 11
False Disciples - A case study
Pastor David Abeyta
John 6
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False Disciples
A Case Study
John 6
Introduction Matthew 7: 21 – 23
1. False Disciples Identified (John 6: 15)
a. He Protects His Disciples
(John 6: 16 – 17; Mark 6: 45 – 48)
b. He Builds His Disciples
(Matthew 14: 24 – 27; John 6: 21)
2. The Ambition of False Disciples
(John 6: 22 – 27)
3. False Disciples Exposed
(John 6: 30 – 35)
4. False Disciples Challenged
(John 6: 36 – 44)
5. False Disciples Tested
(John 6: 41 – 51)
6. False Disciples Judged
(John 6: 51 – 69)
False Religions, Satan`s Masterpiece
Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 6:10
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 6:10
False Religions, Satan's Masterpiece
Ephesians 6:10
A. Truth, The Exclusivity of Christ
How Do I Know What Truth is?
(Ephesians 6:14, Acts 4:12, 10:1-43, 11:14)
B. Righteousness
How Can I be Right before God?
Three views:
1. By Grace (Romans 3:22-24, Ephesians 2:8-9)
2. By Grace Plus Works (The Roman Catholic Position)
3. By Works (The Jehovah Witness Position)
C. The Gospel of Peace
(Ephesians 6:15)
How Can I Have Peace with God?
1. (The Hindu Position)
2. The Christian Position
(Ephesians 2:12-14, 1 Corinthians 15:52-58, Romans 5:1-2, Philippians 3:13-14)
D. Faith
Who do you Place Your Trust and Faith in?
1. In Yourself (Buddhist Position)
(Romans 1:18-25)
2. In Angels (Islam, Mormon Position)
3. In Many gods (Hinduism Position)
(Deuteronomy 32:16, 1 Corinthians 8:5-6, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4)
E. Salvation
How Can I Attain Salvation (Acts 16:29-31)
F. The Word of God
Which Sacred Books can be Trusted?
1. The Hindu Vedas, Brahmana
2. The Quran
3. The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20, Hebrews 4:12)
Father's Day
Pastor: David Abeyta
Heb 11-12
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Heb 11-12
Father's Day
Hebrews 11-12
A. Gifts from a Father
1. Leave a Legacy, "Though Dead, He Still Speaks"
(Hebrews 11:4)
2. Build an Ark of Salvation
(Hebrews 11:7, Genesis 6:3, 1 Peter 3:20, 2 Peter 2:5)
3. Leave the False Religion of Our Fathers, for the Sake of Your Children
(Hebrews 11:8-10, Acts 7:2-4, Jeremiah 50:35-38, 51:47-52)
4. Verbalize Your Convictions
(Hebrews 11:13-16)
5. Die Well, Grow Old Enthusiastically
(Hebrews 11:16, John 14:1-6)
6. Honor and Love God Above All, Even Above Your Children
(Hebrews 11:17-19)
7. Embrace That Which is Truly Worthy and Valuable
(Hebrews 11:24-26, Matthew 13:44-45)
B. Motivation For a Father
(Hebrews 12:1)
1. A Great Cloud of Witnesses
*In Heaven (Hebrews 11:32-34)
*On Earth
C. Challenges of a Father, Run a Strong Race: How?
1. Lay Aside Sin (Hebrews 12:1)
2. Fix Your Eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)
D. Development of a Father: Fathers We Too Have a Father
(Hebrews 12:5-7)
Five Critical Tests: Jesus Feeds The 5000
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:13-21
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:13-21
Five Critical Tests
Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Matthew 14:13-21
A. Jesus is Tested
(Matthew 14:13, 12:24, 46-50, 13:10-13, 14:8-11, John 6:26, Mark 6:34, John 10:11-14)
B. Phillip is Tested
(John 6:5-7, Matthew 14:15-16)
C. The Little Boy is Tested
(John 6:8-9)
1. The Test of Greed
2. The Test of Faith (Matthew 14:17-20)
D. The Multitude is Tested
(Matthew 14:19, Mark 6:39-40)
E. The Disciples are Tested
1. The Principle of Participation (Matthew 14:19)
2. The Principle of Success (Matthew 14:20)
3. The Principle of Blessing (Matthew 14:20)
Five Ship Of A Healthy Church
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptured
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptured
Following Christ: Salvation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 16:24- 17:8
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 16:24- 17:8
Following Christ: Salvation
Matthew 16:24-Matthew 17:8
A. Requirements of Salvation
1. Total Surrender
(Matthew 16:24, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 4:22-24)
2. Total Sacrifice
(Matthew 16:24)
3. Total Submission
(Matthew 16:24, 10:24-32, 8:19-21)
B. The Wisdom of Salvation
(Matthew 16:25)
C. The Urgency of Salvation
(Matthew 16:27, 24:36-39, Romans 2:6-10)
D. The Encouragement to Exult and Revel in Salvation
(Matthew 17:1-4, Luke 9:31, Daniel 10:5-6, Revelation 1:13-16, Romans 8:18, Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Corinthians 3:18)
E. The Command to Embrace Salvation
(Matthew 17:5, 2 Peter 1:17-20, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, 5:6-8, 10:9-13)
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt: 9:1-38
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt: 9:1-38
Matthew 9:1-38
A. Who Can Forgive Sins? Only God
(Matthew 9:1-3)
1. Evidence of Deity - His Power
a. He knew Men's Thoughts (Matthew 9:1-4)
b. He Instantly Heals a Paralytic (Matthew 9:5-7)
c. He Commands and Men Follow (Matthew 9:9, Romans 8:30)
d. He Raises the Dead (Matthew 9:18, 23-26)
e. He Healed With a Touch (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-27)
f. He Gave Sight to the Blind (Matthew 9:27-29)
g. He Cast Out Demons (Matthew 9:32-34
2. Evidence of Deity - His Compassion
B. What Kind of People Does God Forgive?
1. Those Who Realize They are Sick (Matthew 9:11-13)
2. Those Who Place Their Faith in Him (Matthew 9:27-30)
C. What Should Be The Response of the Forgiven?
1. Great Energy for the Lost (Luke 5:18-20)
2. Great Thankfulness (Luke 5:27-29)
D. How To Get More People Forgiven?
Jesus Provides the Model
1. Compassion (Matthew 9:36
2. Vision (Matthew 9:37)
3. Need (Matthew 9:37)
4. Prayer (Matthew 9:38)
Freedom in Christ
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 8:1-17
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 8:1-17
Freedom In Christ
Romans 8: 1 – 17
A. Freedom From The Condemnation
of The Law of God (Romans 8: 1)
1. The Law of God Has Been Violated (Romans 8: 2)
a. The Results of The Law (Romans 8: 2)
b. The Limitations of The Law
(Romans 8: 3, 7: 5, 7 – 8, 12 – 13)
2. The Law of God Has Been Satisfied
By The Son of God
a. The Son Is God (Romans 8: 3)
b. The Son Is Man
(Romans 8: 3; II Corinthians 5: 21)
B. Freedom To Obey The Law of God
1. The Obligation To Obey (Romans 8: 4, 7: 12)
2. The Power to Obey (Romans 8: 4)
a. The Spirit - Filled Lifestyle ( Romans 8: 4)
b. The Spirit - Dominated Mindset (Romans 8: 5)
c. The Spirit - Produced Peace (Romans 8: 6)
d. The Spirit - Empowered Obedience (Romans 8: 7 – 9)
e. The Spirit - Sealed Life (Romans 8: 9)
f. The Spirit - Infused Life (Romans 8: 10 – 11)
3. The Battle to Obey God’s Law (Romans 8: 12 – 13)
a. Kill Sin (Romans 8: 13)
b. Obey God’s Word
c. Pray to Your Father (Romans 8: 15)
d. Produce Fruit (Romans 8: 16)
Gender differences between Men and Women
Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 11
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Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 11
Getting To The Heart Of Conflict (Pt 1)
Dr. Erine Baker
Selected Scriptures
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Dr. Erine Baker
Selected Scriptures