Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
The Superiority Of Christ
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 1
The Superiority of Christ Hebrews 10
Pastor Abeyta
The Superiority of Christ
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Pastor Abeyta
The Superiority of Christ
The Supremacy of Scripture
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 22: 6 - 21
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 22: 6 - 21
The Supremacy of Scripture
Revelation 22: 6 - 21
- The Absolute Truth of Scripture (Revelation 22: 6, 19: 11)
- The Inspiration of Scripture (Revelation 22: 6; II Peter 1: 20 - 21; Acts 1: 16; I Thessalonians 2: 13)
- The Accuracy of Scripture (Revelation 22: 6; Isaiah 44: 28; II Peter 3: 8 - 9)
- The Apathy Toward Scripture (Revelation 22: 7, 20: 15, 21: 6, 8)
- The Eyewitnesses of Scripture (Revelation 22: 8; I John 1: 1 - 3; II Peter 1: 16; Luke 1: 1 - 2)
- The Purpose of Scripture (Revelation 22: 8 - 9)
- The Proclamation of Scripture (Revelation 22: 10)
- The Response to Scripture (Revelation 22: 10 - 11, 9: 20 - 21)
- The Central Theme of Scripture (Revelation 22: 12 - 16)
- The Curse of Tampering with Scripture (Revelation 22: 18; Deuteronomy 4: 2, 12: 32; Proverbs 30: 6; Jeremiah 26: 2)
The Tests of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 9
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The Three Stages of Heaven Review
Pastor: David Abeyta
Rev 21:1-7
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Rev 21:1-7
Review: Revelation 21:1-7
A. Preparation For Heaven
1.Satan Released,Exposed Superficial Faith (Revelation 20:1-10)
2.Sinners Judged And Separated (Revelation 20:11-15)
3.Earth Purged (Revelation 20:11,2 Peter 3:10-13,2:6-7)
B. The Present Heaven
1.What Is It Called? Paradise (Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:2-7)
2.Physical Or Spiritual?
(Acts 1:9-11, 2 Corinthians 5:1, Luke 9:28-33, Revelation 6:10)
3.How Will I Get There? (John 14:1-3)
4.Where Is Paradise Now? (Hebrews 12:22-24,11:10-16)
C. The Final Heaven
(Revelation 21:1-5,1 Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 9:7, Romans 8:18-22)
D. The Current Heaven (John 17:3, Philippians 3:20,4:9)
The Threefold Walk of the Christian
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 5
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 5
The Throne of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 4
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 4
The Throne of God
Revelation 4
Introduction: The Throne of God Is Both a Comfort and
A Terror (Hebrews 4: 16; Revelation 20: 11)
A. The Place Where The Throne is Located: Heaven
1. Heaven’s Entrance (Revelation 4: 1; John 10: 9 - 10; Revelation 3: 8, 20)
2. Pre - Tribulational Rapture (Revelation 4: 1, 4, 3: 10)
B. The Person Who Sits on The Throne
1. The Character and Attributes of God
a. Holiness : Jasper (Revelation 4: 3, 21: 11; 22: 5)
b. Wrath : Sardius (Revelation 4: 3)
c. Mercy : Rainbow (Revelation 4: 3; Genesis 9: 14 - 15)
C. Those Who Sit Around the Throne
1. The Twenty - Four Elders (Revelation 4: 4)
a. They Are Not Tribulation Saints (Revelation 7: 13 - 14)
b. They Are Not Angels (Revelation 7: 11)
c. They Are Not Israel (Revelation 7: 4 - 8)
d. They Are The Church. Why ?
• They Sit On Thrones (Revelation 4: 4, 3: 21)
• They Are Clothed in White (Revelation 4: 4, 3: 5)
• They Wear Golden Crowns (Revelation 4: 4, 2: 10; 3: 11)
2. Seven Spirits of God (Revelation 4: 5, 1: 4 - 5; Isaiah 11: 1 - 2)
3. Four Living Creatures (Revelation 4: 6 - 7; Ezekiel 1: 5 - 10, 10: 15)
D. Activities of Those around the Throne (Revelation 4: 8; Isaiah 6: 1 - 3)
The Times Of The Gentiles
Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 7-9
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 7-9
The Transfiguration
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 9:28-36
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Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 9:28-36
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The Tribulation
Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 11-12
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 11-12
The Trinity
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. Objections to The Doctrine of The Trinity
B. The Doctrine of The Trinity is Progressively
Revealed in Scripture
1. Partial Revelation In The Old Testament
(Genesis 1: 26, 3: 22, 11: 7; Isaiah 6: 8; Psalm 45: 6 - 7)
2. Complete Revelation In The New Testament
(Matthew 3: 16 – 17, 28: 19; I Corinthians 12: 4 – 6; II Corinthians 13: 14;
I Peter 1: 2; Jude 20 – 21)
C. Three Statements Summarizing The Trinity
1. God Is Three Persons (John 1: 1 – 2, 9 - 18, 17: 24, 14: 26, 16: 7)
2. Each Person Is Fully God
a. God the Father Is Clearly God
b. God the Son Is Fully God
(John 20: 25 – 28; Hebrews 1: 2 – 12; Isaiah 9: 6)
c. God the Holy Spirit Is Fully God
(Acts 5: 3 – 4; Psalm 139: 7 – 10; I Corinthians 2: 10 - 11)
3. There Is Only One God
(Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 5; Isaiah 45: 5 – 6, 21 – 22; I Corinthians 8: 5 – 6)
D. Inadequate Solutions To The Trinity
1. Deny The First Statement (Modalism: UPC)
2. Deny The Second Statement (Arianism: JW)
3. Deny The Third Statement (Polytheism)
E. What Are The Distinctions Between
The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit?
F. Application
The Trinity: God in Three Persons
The Triumphal Entry
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 19:20-48
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Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 19:20-48
The Two Witnesses
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 11:3-13
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 11:3-13
The Two Witnesses
How to Witness
Revelation 11: 3 - 13
- Witness with Authority (Revelation 11: 3 ; II Corinthians 5: 18 - 20)
- Witness with Conviction (Revelation 11: 3; Ephesians 6: 19 - 20)
- Witness with Urgency (Revelation 11: 3; Ephesians 5: 15 - 16; Colossians 4: 5 - 6)
- Witness with Sorrow (Revelation 11: 3; Romans 9: 1 - 2)
- Witness in The Power of The Holy Spirit (Revelation 11: 4; Acts 1: 8)
- Witness with Accountability (Revelation 11: 4; Romans 14: 10 - 12)
- Witness with Courage (Revelation 11: 5)
- Witness with Truth (Revelation 11: 6)
- Witness with Perseverance (Revelation 11: 7)
- Witness with Expectation (Revelation 11: 8 - 12)
- Expect Opposition (Revelation 11: 7)
- Expect Ridicule (Revelation 11: 8)
- Expect Contempt (Revelation 11: 9)
- Expect Rejection (Revelation 11: 10)
- Expect Triumph (Revelation 11: 11 - 12)
The Unforgivable Sin
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 12:31-49
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 12:31-49
The Unforgivable Sin
Matthew 12:31-49
A. Definition of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:31-32, 28, 9:11, 12:2, 14, Hebrews 6:4-6)
B. Punishment for the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:32)
C. Evidence of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:33-37)
D. Promotion for the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:38-39, 40, Luke 11:16)
E. The Inexcusability of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:41-42)
F. The Encouragement to Commit the Unforgivable Sin
1. Morality and Religion (Matthew 12:43-45)
2. Familty Loyalty (Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3:21, Matthew 10:37, 13:35)
The War On Christmas
Pastor:David Abeyta
Ps 2:1-12
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Ps 2:1-12
The Warrior King
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 16:14
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 16:14
The Warrior King
Revelation 16: 14
- The Opposition to The Warrior King
- Man’s Perspective (Revelation 16: 12 - 14)
- God’s Perspective (Psalm 2: 1 - 2)
- The Purpose of The Warrior King’s Coming
- Rescue (Revelation 12: 6 - 14; Matthew 24: 15 - 27; Micah 2: 12 - 13; Isaiah 63: 1 - 5; Revelation 19: 30)
- The Armies of The Warrior King (Revelation 19: 11 - 14)
- Angelic Army (Matthew 16: 27)
- Christian Army (I Thessalonians 3: 13)
- The Judgment of The Warrior King (Joel 3: 9 - 14; Revelation 14: 14 - 20)
- The Banquet of The Warrior King (Revelation 19: 17 - 18)
- Antichrist is Killed
- The Spirit of The Antichrist in Hell (Isaiah 14: 4 - 7)
- The Body of The Antichrist on Earth (Isaiah 14: 16 - 21)
- The Victory Accent of The Warrior King (Zechariah 14: 3 – 9)
The Wisdom of the Cross
Elder Raul Caracoza
1 Corinthians 1:11-18
Elder Raul Caracoza
1 Corinthians 1:11-18
The Wonder Of The Cross
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt: 27
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt: 27
The Wonder of the Cross
Matthew 27
A. The Determination of the Cross
(Matthew 27:33)
B. The Shame of the Cross
(Matthew 27:35)
C. The Response of the Cross
(Matthew 27:37-46)
D. The Voluntary Nature of the Cross
(Matthew 27:50)
E. The Accomplishments of the Cross
(Matthew 27:51)
F. The Power of the Cross
(Matthew 27:54)
G. The Demarcation of the Cross
(Matthew 27:57-66)
The Wonder of Unbelief
Pastor David Abeyta
Mark 6:6
The Wonder of Unbelief
Mark 6: 6
1. After His Temptation In The Wilderness, He Returned to Nazareth (Matthew 4: 12 - 13)
2. He Departs and Moves to Capernaum (Matthew 4: 13)
a. Power Over Disease (Matthew 4: 23 - 25)
b. Power Over Demons (Matthew 8: 28; Mark 5: 3 - 6, 15)
c. Power Over Death (Matthew 9: 18 - 26)
3. He Returns to Nazareth (Luke 4: 16)
A. Unbelief Stubbornly Clings to Itself, Despite Evidence (Luke 4: 16 - 21)
B. Unbelief Seeks Reasons to Justify Itself (Luke 4: 22; Matthew 13: 54 - 58; Mark 3: 20 - 22)
C. Unbelief Demands More Miracles (Luke 4: 23; John 12: 37, 11: 39 - 44, 12: 10)
D. Unbelief Is Always The Majority Position (Luke 4: 25 - 27, 18: 8)
E. Unbelief Mascaraed as Peaceful, But It’s True Nature is Eventually Unmasked (Luke 4: 28 - 29)
The World's Greatest Leader
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 7:28
The World’s Greatest Leader
Introduction: Luke 7: 28
- A Great Leader Is Courageous (Luke 3: 1 - 2)
- Political Leaders
- Tiberius Caesar (Luke 2: 1)
- Pontius Pilate (Luke 13: 13 - 24)
- Herod Antipas (Mark 6: 17 - 28)
- Religious Leaders (Luke 3: 2; John 18: 12 - 24; Acts 4: 5 - 20)
- A Great Leader Is Radical
- A Radical Location (Luke 3: 2)
- A Radical Appearance (Matthew 3: 4, 11: 7 - 9; II Kings 1: 8)
- A Radical Message
- He Demanded They Renounce Their Old Religion (Luke 3: 3)
- He Made Them Acknowledge Their Sin (Luke 3: 3 - 6)
- He Challenged Their Superficial Commitment (Luke 3: 7 - 8)
- He Destroyed Their Misplaced Confidence (Luke 3: 8 - 9)
- He Warned of Impending Judgment (Luke 3: 9)
- He Entertained the Unredeemable (Luke 3: 12 - 14)
- A Great Leader Is Surrendered
- Surrendered to Christ as God (Luke 3: 16 - 17)
- Surrendered to Christ as Substitute (Luke 3: 21)
- Surrendered to Christ as Part Of The Trinity (Luke 3: 22)
The Worlds Last Chance: Agents of Grace
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14: 1-11
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14: 1-11
The World’s Last Chance:
Agents of Grace
Revelation 14: 1 - 11
- The 144,000
- Their Identity (Revelation 14: 1, 7: 3 - 9, 6: 9 - 11)
- Their Victory (Revelation 14: 1, 7: 3, Psalm 2: 1 - 9; Ephesians 1: 13 - 14)
- Their Purity (Revelation 14: 4, I Thessalonians 4: 3; 2 Timothy 2: 22; I Corinthians 6: 18)
- Their Loyalty (Revelation 14: 4; Isaiah 6: 8)
- Their Morality (Revelation 14: 5)
- Three Angels
- The First Angel: Preaches The Eternal Gospel (Revelation 14: 6 - 7)
- The Second Angel: Preaches The Victorious Gospel (Revelation 14: 8)
- The Third Angel : Preaches The Damnation Gospel (Revelation 14: 9 - 11; Psalm 139: 7)
The Wrath of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 1:18-32
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 1:18-32
The Wrath of God
Romans 1: 18 – 32
A. The Source of God’s Wrath
(Romans 1: 18; Psalm 7: 11 – 13)
B. The Cause of God’s Wrath
1. The Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men
(Romans 1: 18)
a. Godless Men Suppress the Truth (Romans 1: 18)
b. Godless Men Ignore the Truth
(Romans 1: 19, 2: 15; Psalm 19: 1)
c. Godless Men Exchange the Truth (Romans 1: 21 – 25 )
C. The Result of God’s Wrath
1. Darkness (Romans 1: 21; Ephesians 4: 17 – 18)
2. Release (Romans 1: 24 – 26)
a. Consequences of God’s Release
* Impurity (Romans 1: 24)
* Degrading Passions
(Romans 1: 26 – 27; Leviticus 18: 22)
3. Depravity (Romans 1: 28)
a. Depravity Affecting Criminal Behavior (Romans 1: 29)
b. Depravity Affecting The Workplace (Romans 1: 29 – 30)
c. Depravity Affecting Relationships (Romans 1: 30)
d. Depravity Affecting the Family (Romans 1: 30 – 31)
Things you need to learn to be productive and successful
Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 16
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Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 16
Things You Need to Learn to Be Productive and Successful
I Corinthians 16
1. The Need to Make and Manage Money
(I Corinthians 16: 1 – 4; Romans 15: 25 – 27; II Corinthians 8 – 9)
2. The Need to Plan and Strategize
(I Corinthians 16: 5; Romans 15: 22 – 28)
3. The Need to Build and Develop Friendships
(I Corinthians 16: 6 – 7; Romans 1: 9 – 12, 16: 3 – 15)
4. The Need to Recognize and Seize Opportunities
(I Corinthians 16: 8 – 9; Revelation 3: 7 – 8)
5. The Need to Confront and Power Through Adversity
(I Corinthians 16: 9)
6. The Need to Protect and Watch Out for Your
(I Corinthians 16: 10 – 11; II Corinthians 10: 10, 11: 4 – 6)
7. The Need to Respect and Value The Decisions of
Others (I Corinthians 16: 12)
8. The Need to Accept and Learn From Firm Advise
(I Corinthians 16: 13)
9. The Need to Value and Appreciate The Saints
(I Corinthians 16: 15 – 19)
10. The Need to Keep the Purity and Fear of God
(I Corinthians 16: 22)
Three Gifts For Mothers Day
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Three Questions To Prepare For At Death
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 6 & Selected Scriptures
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 6 & Selected Scriptures
Three Questions To Prepare For At Death
A. Whose Attention and Approval Did You Seek?
(Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18)
1. Some Seek The Approval of Man,
A Foolish Mistake Because:
a. Man's Honor and Attention is Shallow
(John 2:24, Acts 14:8-19)
b. Man's Reward is Temporary
(Matthew 6:2-5; 19:27-29)
2. Some Seek The Approval and Attention of God,
A Wise Choice
(Matthew 19:27-29, Colossians 3:23-24)
B. Whose Agenda Did You Promote?
(Matthew 6:7-10)
1. Your Own Selfish Agenda?
(James 3:14-15, 4:1-2)
2. Your Father's Agenda Who Is In Heaven
(Matthew 6:9-10)
C. Whose Values Did You Embrace and Invest In?
(Matthew 6:19-24)
1. A Bad Investment
(Matthew 6:19, Luke 16:9-12)
2. A Wise Investment
(Matthew 6:20)
D. Conclusion: The Way You Respond to These Three Questions Will Determine:
1. Your Quality of Life
(John 10:10)
2. Your Future Rewards
(Matthew 25:22-23, Luke 19:17-19)
Time Past, Present, and Future
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. Time: Past
1. Remember the Past (Deuteronomy 6: 10 – 15, 8: 11 – 17)
2. Learn From the Past (Psalm 39: 4 – 6)
3. Release the Past (II Corinthians 5: 17)
B. Time: Present
1. Run the Race (Hebrews 12: 1 – 2)
a. Run Unencumbered
b. Run Undefeated
c. Run Undistracted
2. Work the Field (Philippians 1: 21 – 25)
3. Navigate the Obstacles
(Ephesians 5: 15 – 18; Ecclesiastes 9: 11 – 12)
a. Time is Unstoppable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
b. Circumstances are Unpredictable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
c. Death is Unescapable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
C. Time: Future
1. Encouragement in the Mist of Trials
(Jeremiah 29: 10)
a. Be Strong (Jeremiah 29: 4 – 7)
b. Be Hopeful (Jeremiah 29: 10)
c. Be Confident (Jeremiah 29: 11)
2. Eager Expectation (Philippians 3: 20 – 4: 1)
3. Persistent Progress (Philippians 3: 10 – 14)
Time to reflect - a new year
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To Eat Or Not To Eat?
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 14
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 14