Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
A Model Church
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:1-11
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:1-11
A Philosophy Of Life
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:21
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:21
A Portrait of A True Worshipper
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 5
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 5
A Portrait of A True Worshipper
Revelation 5
A. A True Worshipper Knows The Object of His Worship (Revelation 5: 1, 4: 2)
1. Jasper (Revelation 4: 3, 21: 11) God Is Holy
2. Sardius (Revelation 4: 3, 6: 4) God Is Righteous
3. Emerald Rainbow (Revelation 4: 3; Genesis 9: 13 - 16)
God Is Merciful
B. A True Worshipper Acknowledges His Own Unworthiness (Revelation 5: 2 - 3; Acts 14: 11 - 15)
C. A True Worshipper Grieves When God’s Work Is Thwarted (Revelation 5: 4)
D. A True Worshipper Is Consumed With Christ
1. His Identity (Revelation 5: 5 - 6)
2. His Honor (Revelation 5: 7 - 8)
3. His Redemption (Revelation 5: 9)
4. His Kingdom (Revelation 5: 10)
E. A True Worshipper Is Awestruck and Overwhelmed By the Lord
(Revelation 5: 11; Philippians 2: 10)
A Tale Of Two Men
Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Cor 3:1- 17
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Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Cor 3:1- 17
A Vindication Of God. Can God Be Trusted?
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 9-11
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 9-11
A Wake Up Call For America
Pastor:David Abeyta
Isaiah(selected scriptures)
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Isaiah(selected scriptures)
A Warning to the Weak
Pastor David Abeyta
A Warning to the Weak
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Pastor David Abeyta
A Warning to the Weak
A Winning Personality
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:1-21
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1:1-21
Abraham: A Man of Faith
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 4
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 4
A Man of Faith
Romans 4
1. Abraham's Faith Resulted in Righteous Standing (Romans 4:3, 2 Corithians 5:21)
2. Abraham's Faith Was Initiated By God (Joshua 24:2, Ephesians 2:1-6)
3. Abraham's Faith Was Established in Adversity (Genesis 12:1-4, 15:1-6, 17:1-6, 22:1-2)
4. Abraham's Faith Focused on God (Romans 4:3, James 2:23, John 15:13-16)
5. Abraham's Faith Acknowledged His Helplessness (Romans 4:4-8)
6. Abraham's Faith Embraces and Exults The Glory of God (Romans 4:5, 3:24-25, 11:33-36
7. Abraham's Faith Was Not Based on Circumcision or The Law (Romans 4:9-13, Genesis 15:5-6, 16:16, 17:1-24)
8. Abraham's Faith Grows and Develops Into Maturity (Romans 4:18-20, Hebrews 11:8-19)
9. Abraham's Faith Provides a Model for All People (Romans 4:22-24)
Accomplish Great Things
Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 9
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Pastor David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 9
Adam/Christ: Heads Of Two Familys
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 5:12-21
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 5:12-21
Adam/ Christ
Romans 5:12-21
Introduction: Adam and Christ-The Heads of Two Families
A. Adam
1. The Entrance of Sin (Romans 5:12)
a. Adam is Held Accountable (Genesis 2:7-16)
*The Devastating Effects of Adam's Sin (Genesis 2:18-25)
2. The Consequences of Sin (Death)
a. The Inevitability of Death (Genesis 2:17, 5:5)
b. The Root of Death (Genesis 5:12)
*Illustrated by Infant Death (Luke 1:15, Psalms 22:10, 2 Samuel 12:23)
*Romans 5:13
B. Christ
1. The Extent of The Gift (Romans 5:15-17)
2. The Power of The Gift (Romans 5:16)
3. The Abundance of The Gift (Romans 5:17)
4. The Author of The Gift (Romans 5:18-19)
5. The Depth of The Gift (Romans 5:20)
6. The Purpose of The Gift (Romans 5:21)
All Things New
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 7-10
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 7-10
Allegories, Parables, and Fables
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An Encouragement to Remove Two Toxic Ingredients from Your Life
Pastor David Abeyta
Philippians 2:14
Pastor David Abeyta
Philippians 2:14
An Out Of Control Church
Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 6
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Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 6
Assurance of Salvation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 8:16
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 8:16
Assurance of Salvation
(How to Strengthen Your Assurance)
Romans 8:16
A. Sustain (Embrace) Your New Relationship
(Romans 8:16-17)
B. Suffer Joyfully (Purposefully)
(Romans 8:17-22)
C. Submit to The Holy Spirit
(Romans 8:23, Galatians 5:22-23)
D. Strengthen Your Faith
(Romans 8:24-25, John 6:37, 1 Peter 1:8-9)
E. Supplication and Prayer
(Romans 8:26-27)
F. Sovereignty Exulted
(Romans 8:28, Genesis 45:4-8, 50:20)
G. Salvation Accomplished
(Romans 8:29-30)
Assurance Of Salvation
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 6: 9-20
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 6: 9-20
Attitudes That Will Knock You Off Balance, Stand Firm
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 4:1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 4:1
Attitudes That Will Prepare You To Meet Christ
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 18: 1-43
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 18: 1-43
Because He is alive!
Pastor David Abeyta
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Because He Is Alive !
1. Because He Is Alive … We Have Hope
(I Thessalonians 4: 13 – 14; John 11: 25 - 26)
2. Because He Is Alive … We Have Salvation
(Acts 4: 10 – 12)
3. Because He Is Alive … We Have Reverence
(Acts 17: 30 – 31)
a. Judgment Deferred (Acts 17: 30)
b. Judgment Anticipated (Acts 17: 30)
c. Judgment Certainty (Acts 17: 31)
d. Judgment Executed (Acts 17: 31)
e. Judgment Reacted To (Acts 17: 32 – 34)
4. Because He Is Alive … We Have Strength To Live
A New Life (Romans 8: 11)
5. Because He Is Alive …We Have A Compelling Purpose
(Philippians 3: 10 – 11)
a. To Know Him (v. 10)
b. To Partner with Him (v. 10)
c. To Work With Him (v. 10)
d. To Live With Him (v. 11)
6. Because He Is Alive … We Have A Secure Expectancy
(I Peter 1: 3 – 6)
7. Because He Is Alive ... We Have A Strong,
Confidant Message (Acts 2: 32 – 36)
Being Content
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
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Biblical Thoughts on Marriage
The Bible – 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21
The origins of marriage
1. The Best available records – Marriage in existence for 4350 years
2. First recorded marriage ceremony 2350 BC in Mesopotamia
3. In the Western World, the concept of marriage was embraced by ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans
Marriage according to Culture and Tradition
The Concept of Marriage – Genesis 2:21-25
What is Marriage? – Malachi 2:14
What did Jesus say about Marriage? Matthew 19:4-6
What did the Apostle Paul say about Marriage?
Ephesians 5:31-33
The most important Marriage – Revelations 19:7-9
Where does the Righteousness of the Saints come from?
Philippians 3:6-11, Romans 3:20-26, 2 Corinthians 5:21
Jesus’ Bride – John 19:17-37
Blessed Are The Dead, Because They Have Rest and Rewards
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14:13
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14:13
Blessed Are The Dead,
Because They Have Rest and Rewards
Revelation 14: 13
Introduction: Philippians 4: 7
- You Are Blessed Because of Rest
- Blessed, Because You Won’t Be Hurt By The Second Death (Revelation 2: 10 - 11, 20: 14)
- Trials
- Trials Are Tests (Revelation 2: 10; I Peter 1: 6 - 7)
- Trials Are Limited (Revelation 2: 10; I Peter 1: 6)
- Trials Are Constructive (Revelation 2: 11)
- Blessed, Because You Will Rest Securely In Heaven (Revelation 7: 13 - 17)
- Entrance into Heaven (Revelation 7: 14)
- Motivation for Heaven (Revelation 7: 15)
- Protection of Heaven (Revelation 7: 15)
- Comfort of Heaven (Revelation 7: 16 - 17)
- Center of Heaven (Revelation 7: 17; John 4: 13 - 14)
- Blessed, Because You Are In The Will of God (Revelation 13: 9 - 10; Romans 8: 28)
- You Are Blessed Because of Rewards
- Blessed, Because You Have Your Personalized Ticket Into Heaven (Revelation 2: 13 - 17)
- Blessed, Because You Are On The Right Side of History (Revelation 11: 15 - 18)
- Blessed, Because You Are Invited To The Marriage Supper of The Lamb (Revelation 19: 6 - 9)
- The Bride Makes Herself Ready (Revelation 19: 7)
- Christ Makes His Bride Ready (Revelation 19: 8; Ephesians 5: 25 - 27; Philippians 2: 12)
Builders & Breakers
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 16
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 16
Cain & Abel
Raul Caragoza
Selected Scriptures
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Raul Caragoza
Selected Scriptures
Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 1-2
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 1-2
Ephesians 1-2
A. Celebrate Our New Identity!
(Ephesians 1:1-3, Colossians 3:1-2)
B. Celebrate Our Great Salvation!
1. God, The Father Chooses Us for Salvation
*When? (Ephesians 1:4, 2:8-9)
*Why? (Ephesians 1:4-6, Romans 8:15-16)
*How? (Ephesians 1:11)
2. God, The Son Purchases Our Salvation
(Ephesians 1:7)
*The Meaning of Redemption
*The Cost of Redemption (Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19)
*The Blessings of Redemption (Ephesians 1:7-8)
3. God, The Holy Spirit Protects Our Salvation
(Ephesians 1:13-14, 1 Peter 1:3-5)
C. Celebrate The Power of God Unto Salvation!
1. Insight into His Power (Ephesians 1:18-19)
2. Example of His Power (Ephesians 1:20-23)
3. Demonstration of His Power (Ephesians 2:1-3)
Challenge To Strong Christians
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 15
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 15
Children, Obey Your Parents
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 6:1-9
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 6:1-9
Children,Obey Your Parents
Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 6:1-4
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Eph 6:1-4
Children, Obey Your Parents
Ephesians 6:1-4
A. The Responsibility of Obedience
(Ephesians 6:1, Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
B. The Goal of Obedience
(Ephesians 6:1, Genesis 22:1-10, Romans 6:17)
C. The Motive of Obedience
(Ephesians 6:1-2, 1 Timothy 5:3-8, Colossians 3:20)
D. The Attitude of Obedience
(Ephesians 6:2)
E. The Benefit of Obedience
(Ephesians 6:2-3, Proverbs 1:8-10)
F. The Training for Obedience
(Ephesians 6:4, Genesis 25:27-28, Deuteronomy 21:15-17, Judges 11:1-3, 2 Samuel 13-14, Hebrews 12:5-11, Proverbs 22:15)
*Declare-What is going to be done (Joshua 24:15)
*Define-What's Wrong (Joshua 24:15)
*Decide-I am going to maintain control of my house (Joshua 24:15)