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Getting To The Heart Of Conflict (Pt 2)
Dr. Ernie Baker
Selected Scriptures
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Dr. Ernie Baker
Selected Scriptures
Glorification: The Final Step in Your Salvation
Pastor David Abeyta
Philippians 1:6
Pastor David Abeyta
Philippians 1:6
Glory Of God Displayed
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
The Glory of God Displayed
Matthew 1
A. The Elective Purpose of God on Display
(Matthew 1:1-17, Genesis 11:26, 12:1-3, 17:18-19, 25:23, 49:1, Romans 9:11-20, Ephesians 1:3-6)
B. The Providence of God on Display
(Matthew 1:1-17)
1. God overcomes history:
a. The patriarch period
b. The egyptian enslavement period
c. The conquest period
d. The monarchial period
e. The exile period
f. The inter-testmental period
g. The roman period
2. God overcomes "Human weakness"
(Matthew 1:18-20)
C. The "Love and Mercy of God on Display" (Matthew 1:21)
D. The Word of God on Display (Matthew 1:22-23)
Glory Road
Pastor: David Abeyta
Hebrews 12:1-29
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Hebrews 12:1-29
Intro: Hebrews 12:1-29
A. On The Way To Glory
1.Run With Encouragement (Hebrews 12:1)
2.Run With Endurance (Hebrews 12:1)
3.Run With Focus (Hebrews 12:2)
4.Run With Purpose (Hebrews 12:2)
5.Run With A Goal (Hebrews 12:2)
6.Run With Pain (Hebrews 12:3-11)
7.Run Together (Hebrews 12:12-13)
8.Run With Caution (Hebrews 12:14-17)
B. Arrival In Glory (Hebrews 12:22-24)
C. Warning From Glory
(Hebrews 12:25-27,10:26-31, 2 Peter 3:10-13)
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. The Existence of God
1. A Deep Inner Sense (Romans 1: 19 – 21)
2. The WORD (Genesis 1: 1)
3. Creation
(Romans 1: 20; Psalm 19: 1- 2; II Corinthians 4: 4)
B. The Knowability of God
(Genesis 11: 27; Psalm 145: 3, 147: 5, 139: 6, Romans 11: 33;
Jeremiah 9: 23 - 24)
C. The Independence of God
(Acts 17: 24 – 25; Psalm 50: 10 – 12; John 17: 5, 24; Isaiah 62: 3 – 5)
D. The Unchangeableness of God
1. Unchanging in His Being (James 1: 17)
2. Unchanging in His Purpose
3. Unchanging in His Promise (Number 23: 19)
E. The Eternity of God
(Psalm 90: 2 – 4; Revelation 1: 8, 4: 8; Isaiah 46: 9 – 10;
Revelation 22: 2; Ephesians 5: 15 - 19)
F. The Omnipresence of God
(Psalm 139: 7 – 11)
God Is In Control
Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 1-2
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 1-2
God, Our Father
Pastor David Abeyta
God, Our Father
God Desires Fellowship with His Children
(Genesis 1: 26; Luke 15: 17 – 24; Isaiah 65: 2; Revelation 3: 20)
B. God Wants Obedience From His Children
(Genesis 2: 8 - 17)
1. Adam Tested In The Garden of Eden (Genesis 2: 15)
2. Christ Tested In The Garden of Gethesmane
(Mark 14: 32 - 36; Romans 5: 12 - 19)
C. God Initiates Salvation For His Children
1. He Pursues Them (Genesis 3: 9; John 6: 44, 15: 16; Romans 3: 11)
2. He Sacrifices For Them (Genesis 3: 21; Revelation 13: 8)
3. He Protects Them (Genesis 3: 24)
D. God Provides Happiness For His Children
1. Adam Was Lonely (Genesis 2: 18)
2. Adam Was Needy (Genesis 2: 15, 19 - 20)
3. Adam Was Ready (Genesis 2: 23 - 25)
E. God Grieves For His Children
(Hosea 11: 1 - 9)
F. God Loves His Children
1. God’s Love Is Verifiable (Romans 8: 32)
2. God’s Love Is Comprehensive
(Romans 8: 32; Philippians 1: 6, 2: 12 - 13)
3. God’s Love Is Permanent
God`s Judgment
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 12 : 25-29
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 12 : 25-29
God`s Rest, How To Fall Short
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 4
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 4
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 2:1-29
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 2:1-29
Guilty !
The Guilt of The Moralist
Romans 2: 1 – 29
Introduction: Romans 3: 23
A. Guilty of Ignoring What We Know !
(Romans 2: 1)
1. Man Is Utterly Sinful (Romans 2: 1)
2. God Is Absolutely Holy (Romans 2: 2)
B. Guilty of Deficient View of God !
(Romans 2: 3)
C. Guilty of Abusing The Kindness and Grace of God !
(Romans 2: 4)
D. Guilty of Down-Playing God’s Judgment !
1. Judgment Deferred (Romans 2: 5)
2. Judgment Certain (Romans 2: 5; Revelation 20: 11 - 15)
3. Judgment Based on God’s Righteousness
(Romans 2: 5 – 8)
4. Judgment Is Universal (Romans 2: 9 – 11)
5. Judgment Is Fair (Romans 2: 12 – 16; Luke 12: 47 – 48);
Matthew 11: 20 – 23)
E. Guilty of Superiority !
(Romans 2: 17 – 20; Acts 19: 37)
F. Guilty of A Double Standard !
(Romans 2: 21 – 24)
G. Guilty of Majoring on Externals !
(Romans 2: 25 – 29)
Heart Conditions To Aviod
Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 13:1-6
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Heb 13:1-6
Heaven Better By Far
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Heavenly Desire
Pastor: David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
1.Heavenly Desire (Hebrews 11:13-16)
2.Heavenly Focus (Colossians 3:1-2)
3.Heavenly Investing (Matthew 6:19-21,19:16-25)
4.Heavenly Misunderstanding
5.Heavenly Knowledge (Instinctively Known By All Men)
(Ecclesiastes 3:11,2:1-11)
6.Heavenly Homesickness (Holy Discontent)
(Philippians 1:21-24, 2 Corinthians 5:1-5)
7.Heavenly Preparation
a. Where Is Heaven? (John 14:1-2)
b. Who Will Take Me To Heaven? (John 14:2-3)
c. How Do I Get To Heaven? (John 14:4-6,3:14-18,36)
Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
Hindrances To Evangelism
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 10
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 10
His heart's desire for you
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chp 15
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chp 15
His Heart’s Desire For You
John 15
A. I Want You To Be Energized (Bear - Fruit)
(John 15: 1 – 17)
1. The Source of Fruitfulness (John 15: 1)
2. The Facilitator of Fruitfulness (John 15: 1; Isaiah 5: 1 – 6)
3. The Development of Fruitfulness
(John 15: 2; I Corinthians 11: 29 – 32; Acts 5: 1 – 5;
Hebrews 12: 7 - 11)
4. The Motivation for Fruitfulness
(John 15: 3, 13: 10; Romans 8: 1)
5. The Exhortation to Fruitfulness
(John 15: 4 – 5; Philippians 2: 12 - 13)
6. The Severity of No Fruit-Bearing
(John 15: 6, 10: 27 – 29; Matthew 7: 18 – 20; John 6: 60 - 71)
7. The Instrument of Fruitfulness (John 15: 7)
8. The Ultimate Purpose of Fruitfulness (John 15: 8)
9. The Supreme Model for Fruitfulness (John 15: 9 – 12)
10. The Results of Fruitfulness (John 15: 11)
11. The Obligation to Fruitfulness (John 15: 16)
B. I Want You To Be Emboldened
(John 15: 18 – 20)
C. I Want You To Be Empowered
(John 15: 26)
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 6
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 6
Romans 6
(Philippians 1:6, 2:12)
A. The Imperative of Holiness
(Romans 6:1-2, 1 John 3:7-10)
B. The Possibility of Holiness
(Romans 6:2-11)
1. We Died with Christ (Romans 6:2-3)
2. We Rose with Christ (Romans 6:4)
C. The Exercise of Holiness
(Romans 6:12-14)
D. The Total Commitment of Holiness
(Romans 6:15-19)
E. The Result of Holiness
(Romans 6:21-23)
How Shall We Then Live?
Pastor:David Abeyta
Isaiah 9: 6-7
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Isaiah 9: 6-7
How To Be A Ornament
Pastor:Pete Stoke
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor:Pete Stoke
Selected Scriptures
How to be Absolutely Convinced About Your Salvation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 8:38
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 8:38
How to be Absolutely Convinced About Your Salvation
Romans 8:38
A. Accept God's Verdict
(Romans 8:1)
B. Preach the Gospel to Yourself
(Romans 8:2-3, 1:7,15)
C. Live in the Power of The Holy Spirit
(Romans 8:4-16)
D. Focus on Your Future Glory
(Romans 8:18-23)
E. Realize Your Weakness
(Romans 8:26)
F. Embrace God's Providence
(Romans 8:28)
G. Exult in a God-Centered Salvation
(Romans 8:29-30, 1 Peter 1:1-20)
H. Add up All the Evidence
(Romans 8:31-35)
How To Be Truly Happy
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 6:20-49
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 6:20-49
How To Behave As A Christian
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1: 27-2:18
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1: 27-2:18
How To Build The Church
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 16:1-23
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 16:1-23
How to Build the Church
Matthew 16:1-23
A. Deal Wisely with the Enemies of the Church
(Matthew 16:1-4, 24:4-8, 2 Timothy 3:1-4)
B. Warn and Expose False Teachers in the Church
(Matthew 16:6-12, 23:25-28, Acts 23:8)
C. Celebrate the Sovereignty and Glory of God in the Church
(Matthew 16:13-17, Ephesians 1:3-7, 2:1-8)
D. Recognize and Encourage the Transformed Character of the Men in the Church
(Matthew 16:17-18, Ephesians 2:19-22)
E. Rest in the Security and Assurance of Christ over the Church
(Matthew 16:18)
F. Embrace your Position of Authority in the Church
(Matthew 16:19, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:20-21)
G. Maintain the Centrality of the Cross in the Church
(Matthew 16:21-22)
How To Build Youself Up When The World is Falling Apart
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 6:1-34
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 6:1-34
How To Build Yourself Up When the World is Falling Apart
Matthew 6:1-34
A. Increase Your Generosity
(Matthew 6:1-4, Philippians 4:15-17, Proverbs 11:25, Leviticus 25:35-38)
B. Intensify Your Prayer Life
(Matthew 6:7-13)
1. The End of Fear (Matthew 6:6-9)
2. The End of Attachment (Matthew 6:10)
3. The End of Independence (Matthew 6:11)
4. The End of Self-Righteousness (Matthew 6:12)
5. The End of Over-Confidence (Matthew 6:13)
C. Contemplate Fasting
(Matthew 6:16-18, 9:14-15, Acts 13:2-3, 14:23)
D. Examine Your Priorities
(Matthew 6:19-24, Proverbs 3:9-10)
E. Relinquish Your Worries
(Matthew 6:25-34)
1. God Owns Everything
2. God Controls Everything (Daniel 2:20-21, Philippians 4:6-7)
3. God Provides Everything (Matthew 6:25-33)
How to Courageously Live in the Gap
Pastor David Abeyta
Isaiah 9:6
How To Deal WithTemptations
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 4
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 4
How to Defeat Stress and Depression
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 1:7-14
Pastor David Abeyta
Ephesians 1:7-14
How to Defeat Stress and Depression
Ephesians 1:7-14
A. Count your Blessings
B. Expand your Vision
C. Increase your Praise
How to Develop a Gospel-Centered Lifestyle
Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 1
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Romans 1
How To Develop A Gospel-Centered Lifestyle
Romans 1
1. Embrace Your Calling
(Romans 1:1, 11:13, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, 1 Corinthians 9:16)
2. Set Apart Your Time
(Romans 1:1, 2 Timothy 2:4)
3. Anticipate Your Detractors
(Romans 1:2-4)
4. Submit To Your Lord and Savior
(Romans 1:4)
5. Enlarge Your Vision
(Romans 1:5; 14)
6. Develop Your Team
(Romans 1:8-15)
7. Declare Your Confidence
(Romans 1:16)