Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
The Good News
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 2
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 2
The Good Shepherd
Pastor:David Abeyta
Jn 10
Pastor:David Abeyta
Jn 10
The Gospel
Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 8
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Luke 8
The Gospel
Pastor:David Abeyta
Jn 2:13-24
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Jn 2:13-24
The Gospel
Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Philippians 1
The Gospel
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 2:13-15
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 2:13-15
The Gospel
John 2: 13 – 25
A. The Problem: The Wrath of God
(John 2: 13 – 17: Psalm 7: 11 – 12; Romans 1: 18)
* Declaration of Deity (John 2: 16)
* Demonstration of Power (John 2: 15 – 16)
1. Abuse of The Temple (John 2: 14)
2. Abuse of The Gentiles (Mark 11: 17)
3. Abuse of The Worshippers (John 2: 14)
B. The Solution: The Love of God
(John 2: 18 – 22)
1. The Substitutionary Death of Christ (John 2: 21 – 22)
2. The Victorious Resurrection of Christ (John 2: 19)
C. The Appropriation: The Belief in God
(John 2: 23 – 25)
1. Many Believed In His Name (John 2: 23, 6: 60 – 66)
2. Jesus Did Not Believe In Them (John 2: 24)
a. The Unresponsive Heart (Matthew 13: 18 – 19, 3 – 4)
b. The Superficial Heart (Matthew 13: 20 – 21, 5)
c. The Worldly Heart (John 13: 22)
d. The Receptive Heart (Matthew 13: 23)
The Gospel Of God
Pastor: David Abeyta
Rom 1:1-9
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Rom 1:1-9
The Gospel Of God
Romans 1:1-9
A. The Spokesman of the Gospel
(Romans 1:1)
1. Bond-servant (Romans 1:1, Exodus 21:4)
2. Apostle (Romans 1:1)
3. Set Apart (Romans 1:1)
B. The Continuity of the Gospel
(Romans 1:2, Matthew 5:17-18, Hebrews 1:1-2)
C. The Central Person of the Gospel
(Romans 1:3)
1. The Son of Man
(Romans 1:3, Isaiah 1:7, 2 Samuel 7:12-13)
2. The Son of God
(Romans 1:4, Luke 4:1, 14, 18)
D. The Purpose of the Gospel
(Romans 1:5)
1. Obedience (Romans 1:5)
2. Glory (Romans 1:5)
E. The Transformation of the Gospel
(Romans 1:8)
F. The Brotherhood of the Gospel
(Romans 1:9)
The Gospel of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 1:1-17
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 1:1-17
The Gospel of God
Romans 1: 1 – 17
A. The Gospel’s Proponents
1. Paul, The Apostle
a. The Bond Servant (Romans 1: 1; Philippians 3: 4 – 6; Acts 22: 3 - 4)
b. The Apostle (Romans 1: 1; Acts 9: 3 – 15)
2. The Prophets (Romans 1: 2; Isaiah 53: 3 – 12; Genesis 3: 15)
B. The Gospel’s Central Person
1. The Son’s Humanity (Romans 1: 3)
2. The Son’s Deity (Romans 1: 4; Philippians 2: 5 – 7)
3. The Trinity’s Involvement
a. The Father is The Author of The Gospel (Romans 1: 1)
b. The Son, The Enabler of The Gospel (Romans 1: 3)
c. The Spirit, The Facilitator of The Gospel (Romans 1: 4)
C. The Gospel’s Purpose
(Romans 1: 5)
D. The Gospel’s Proclamation
(Romans 1: 8; Acts 18: 2 – 3, 16: 20 - 21)
E. The Gospel’s Partnership
1. His Longing (Romans 1: 9 – 10)
2. His Purpose
a. Encouragement (Romans 1: 11 – 12)
b. Fruit (Romans 1: 13)
* Optimism (Romans 1: 13)
* Obligation (Romans 1: 13)
* Eagerness (Romans 1: 15)
F. The Gospel’s Power
(Romans 1: 16)
G. The Gospel’s Point (Romans 1: 17)
1. The Demonstration of Righteousness
2. The Impartation of Righteousness
3. The Necessity of Righteousness
The Great Grace Of God
Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
1 Corinthians 1
The Great Harlot
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 17
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 17
The Great Harlot
Revelation 17
- Her Identity (Revelation 17: 1, 5; Exodus 34: 14 - 17; Hosea 14: 11 - 12)
- Her Influence (Revelation 17: 1, 15; Revelation 13: 11)
- Her Enmeshment with Political Power (Revelation 17: 2)
- Her Support (Revelation 17: 3, 9, 13: 1 - 6)
- Her Children (Revelation 17: 5; Genesis 9: 1, 11: 4 - 8)
- Her Hatred (Revelation 17: 6; John 14: 6)
- Her Destruction (Revelation 17: 16 - 17, 13: 11 - 15)
The Great White Throne of Judgement
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 20: 11-15
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 20: 11-15
Pastor David Abeyta The Great White Throne Judgment
Revelation 20: 11 - 15
A. The Scene (Revelation 20: 11)
1. Great (Daniel 7: 9 - 10)
2. White (Romans 2: 5; Psalm 103: 12; Isaiah 43: 25)
3. Him Who Sits On The Throne (John 5: 22 - 29; Acts 17: 31; Psalm 2: 12)
4. Earth and Heaven Fled Away (II Peter 3: 10 - 13)
5. The Great and The Small (Revelation 20: 4 - 6; John 5: 28 - 29)
6. The Unsaved Dead Summoned (Revelation 20: 6, 12; Romans 8: 1; John 5: 28 - 29)
B. The Standard (Revelation 20: 12; Daniel 7: 9 - 10)
1. Indisputable Evidence
• Thoughts (Romans 3: 16)
• Words (Matthew 12: 37)
• Secrets (Luke 8: 17)
• Deeds (Matthew 16: 27; Revelation 20: 13)
2. Degrees of Punishment (Matthew 11: 21 - 24; Luke 12: 47 - 48)
C. The Sentence (Revelation 20: 13 - 15; Matthew 8: 12, 13: 41 - 42, 22: 13; Romans 10: 9 - 10)
The Greatest Prayer
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 17
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 17
A. Why Does Want Us To Pray?
1. Not So that God Can Find Out Want We Need
(Matthew 6: 5)
2. Prayer Expresses Our Trust In God
3. Prayer Demonstrates Our Conviction that God Is
Good, Wise, and Powerful (Matthew 6: 9; Luke 11: 9 – 12)
4. Prayer Brings Us Into Fellowship with God
(John 17: 3)
B. The Effectiveness of Prayer
1. Prayer Changes The Way God Acts
(James 4: 2; Exodus 32: 11 - 12)
2. Effective Prayer Is Made Possible By Our Mediator
(I Timothy 2: 5; Hebrews 4: 14 – 16, 10: 19)
3. What Is “Prayer In Jesus’ Name�
(John 14: 13 – 14, 15: 16, 16: 23 – 24)
a. By The Authority of Jesus (Acts 3: 6, 4: 7, 16: 18)
b. Represents The Person Himself (I John 5: 14 – 15)
c. Should We Pray to The Holy Spirit?
(Ephesians 4: 30)
d. The Role of The Holy Spirit in Prayer
(Romans 8: 26 – 27)
C. Some Important Considerations For Effective Prayer
1. Pray According To The Will of God
(I John 5: 14 – 15; Matthew 26: 39, 6: 10; John 15: 7;
II Corinthians 12: 9 - 10)
2. Confession of Sins (I John 1: 8 – 10)
3. Persevering In Prayer (II Corinthians 12: 8; Mark 14: 36, 39)
4. Pray Earnestly (Hebrews 5: 7)
5. What About Unanswered Prayer?
(II Samuel 12: 15 – 24)
The Greatest Prayer
Pastor:David Abeyta
John 17
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Pastor:David Abeyta
John 17
The Greek Empire
Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 11
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Dan 11
The Grim Reaper
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14:14-20
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14:14-20
The Grim Reaper
Revelation 14: 14 - 20
- The Regal Reaper (Revelation 14: 14 - 15)
- His Coronation (Daniel 7: 13 - 14)
- His Preparation (Revelation 14: 14)
- His Execution (Revelation 14: 15; John 5: 22, 27; Acts 17: 31)
- The Righteous Reaper (Revelation 14: 17 - 19)
- Man’s Condition is Ripe for Judgment
- Man’s Eagerness to Persecute God’s People (Revelation 6: 9 - 10, 7: 9 - 14, 16: 4 - 6)
- Man’s Rebellion Against Christ (Revelation 1: 3 - 4, 8 - 10, 15 - 18)
- Man’s Refusal to Repent (Revelation 9: 20 - 21, 16: 8 - 11, 21)
- The Fearsome Reaper (Revelation 14: 19)
- He Descends from Heaven (Revelation 19: 11 - 13)
- He Descends to Stand on Mount Olive (Zechariah 14: 2 - 4)
- He Descends to The Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16: 13 - 16, 14: 20, 19: 15 - 21)
- Conclusion (Hebrews 10: 31; Psalm 2: 12)
The Heart of Evangelism
Pastor: David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Selected Scriptures
The Heart of Evangelism
1. Evangelism Flows Out of A Heart of Worship
(Ephesians 1:3-7)
2. Evangelism Flows From A Heart Convinced of The Truth
(Ephesians 1:13, 4:20-22, Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5)
3. Evangelism Flows From A Heart Filled With Gratitude
(Ephesians 2:1-4,12)
4. Evangelism Flows From A Heart Sensitive To The Lord's Leading
(Ephesians 2:10, 6:19-20)
5. Evangelism Flows From A Heart In Love With His Church
(Ephesians 1:15, 2:17-19)
6. Evangelism Flows From A Heart of Responsibility and Stewardship
(Ephesians 3:7-8)
7. Evangelism Flows From A Heart of Jealousy For Christ's Glory
(Ephesians 4:9-10, Philippians 2:8-11)
8. Evangelism Flows From A Heart of Love For Lost People
(Ephesians 4:15, 5:1-2)
9. Evangelism Flows Out of A Heart of Surrender
(Ephesians 5:18)
10. Evangelism Flows Out of A Heart of Courage
(Ephesians 6:10-12)
The Holy Spirit - The Helper
Pastor David Abeyta
John 14:16
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The Holy Spirit, The Helper
John 14: 16
A. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Salvation
1. He Initiates Salvation (John 16: 7 – 11)
a. He Convicts (John 16: 8; Genesis 6: 3 - 7)
b. He Convinces (John 16: 8)
* The Need for Righteousness
* The Impossibility of Attaining
Righteousness Alone (Romans 3: 23)
* The Attaining of Righteousness (Romans 3: 22 - 25)
c. He Warns (John 16: 8 – 11)
2. He Facilitates Salvation (John 3: 8)
a. Regeneration Is Not Achieved By Religion
(John 3: 1 – 3)
b. Regeneration Is Necessary To Enter The Kingdom
of God (John 3: 3, 5)
c. Regeneration Is A Second Birth (John 3: 6)
d. Regeneration Is Mysterious (John 3: 8)
B. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Evangelism
(John 14: 12 – 16)
1. The Vision (John 14: 12)
2. The Focus (John 14: 13)
3. The Strength (John 14: 14)
4. The Motive (John 14: 15)
5. The Energy (John 14: 16)
C. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Sanctification
1. He Protects You (Ephesians 1: 13)
2. He Helps You Fight Sin (Romans 8: 13)
3. He Helps Assure You (Romans 8: 16)
D. The Holy Spirit: The Helper, An Author Of Scripture
(John 16: 12 – 15, 14: 25 – 26; II Timothy 3: 16; II Peter 1: 20 – 21)
The honor of marriage
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 2
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 2
The Honor of Marriage The Gospel of John - Chapter 2
A. Facilitating Marriage
(John 2: 1 – 5; Matthew 25: 1 – 10, 1: 18)
B. Celebrating Marriage
(John 2: 2)
1. The Creation of Marriage (Genesis 2: 18 – 21)
a. A Necessary Relationship (Genesis 2: 18)
b. A Complimentary Relationship (Genesis 2: 18)
c. A Side-By-Side Relationship (Genesis 2: 22)
d. An Intimate Relationship (Genesis 2: 23)
e. An Independent Relationship (Genesis 2: 24)
f. A Permanent Relationship (Genesis 2: 24)
g. A Transparent Relationship (Genesis 2: 25)
C. Saving Marriage
(John 2: 3; Matthew 1: 18)
1. Jesus Can Save Your Marriage
a. Embrace A Changed Relationship (John 2: 3 – 4;
John 19: 26; Matthew 12: 47 – 50; Ephesians 5: 28 - 31)
b. Embrace Christ
* Jesus Demands Submission (John 2: 5)
* Jesus Desires Relationship (John 2: 6; Mark 7: 1 - 6)
* Jesus Deserves Gratitude (John 2: 7)
* Jesus Demonstrates Humility (John 2: 8 – 10)
D. Destroying Marriage
(Song of Solomon 2: 15)
1. Social Drinking
a. You Can’t Handle It (Proverbs 20: 1, 23: 31 – 32)
b. You Can’t Serve Two Masters (Ephesians 5: 18)
c. You Don’t Want To Take A Stand (I Peter 4: 3 – 4)
The Jews: A Privileged & Guilty People
Pastor:David Abeyta
Romans 2:17-3:9
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Romans 2:17-3:9
The Jews: A Privileged and Guilty People
Romans 2:17-3:9
A. A Privileged People
1. They Were Blessed
*They Had A Great Name (Romans 2:17)
*They Had A Great Book (Romans 2:17)
*They Had A Great God (Romans 2:17)
2. They Were Enlightened (Romans 2:18)
3. They Were Confident (Romans 2:19-20)
B. A Guilty People
1. Guilty of Not Honoring The Word
(Romans 2:21-23)
2. Guilty of Not Spreading The Word
(Romans 2:24)
3. Guilty of Not Internalizing The Word
(Romans 2:25-29)
C. A Special People
(Romans 3:1,9)
1. Objects of God's Trust (Romans 3:2)
2. Objects of God's Faithfulness (Romans 3:3-4)
3. Objects of God's Grace (Romans 3:5-8)
D. A Needy People
(Romans 3:9-23)
The Journey Of The Redeemed(The Law & Salvation)
Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 7
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Rom 7
The Judgement Of God
Pastor: David Abeyta
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The Judgement Of God Pt 2
Pastor:David Abeyta
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The Judgment of Babylon the Great
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 18
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 18
The Judgment of Babylon the Great
Introduction: Revelation 17: 16, 18: 11, 16 - 19;
Isaiah 13: 19 - 22; Jeremiah 50: 13, 39 – 40
- The Reason for Her Judgment
- She Became a Dwelling Place for Demons (Revelation 18: 2)
- She Infects the Whole World with Immorality (Revelation 18: 3)
- The Warning to Avoid Her Judgment (Revelation 18: 4 - 5; Ephesians 5: 6 - 7)
- The Desire to See Her Judged (Revelation 18: 6; Exodus 22: 4 - 7)
- Attitudes That Will Damn You to Hell
- Self - Glory (Revelation 18: 7)
- Self – Sufficiency. (Revelation 18: 7)
- Description of Hell
- Torment (Revelation 18: 8; Revelation 20: 10; Matthew 13: 42)
- Mourning (Matthew 8: 12; Revelation 18: 8)
- Certainty of Hell
- It Is Swift (Revelation18: 8)
- It Is Sure (Revelation 18: 8)
- The Emotional Response to Her Judgment
- Grief
- Kings of The Earth (Revelation 18: 9 - 10)
- Merchants of The Earth (Revelation 18: 11 - 19)
- Joy (Revelation 18: 20 - 24)
The King is Coming
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 17:20-37
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Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 17:20-37
The Last Farewell
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 13
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 13
The Last Farewell
John 13
A. The Assurance of Love
(John 13: 1)
1. An Enduring Love (John 13: 1; Romans 8: 31 – 39)
2. A Special Love (John 13: 1, 10: 3 – 28)
3. A Consuming Love (John 12: 27)
B. Demonstration of Love
1. Humble Service (John 13: 2 – 5)
a. Unwavering Humility (John 13: 2 – 3)
b. Unreserved Humility (John 13: 4 – 5; Luke 22: 24 – 27)
2. Spiritual Cleansing (John 13: 6 - 10; I John 1: 9)
C. Obligation to Love
(John 13: 12 – 17; Philippians 2: 5 – 8; Ephesians 5: 22 – 33)
D. Enemy of Love
(John 13: 2, 10 – 11, 26 – 27)
The Last Invitation
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 22:17
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 22:17
The Last Invitation
An Examination of Powerful Incentive
to Respond to The Invitation
Revelation 22: 17
- The Love of Christ (Revelation 1: 5)
- The Return of Christ (Revelation 1: 7; Zechariah 12: 10; Revelation 9: 21, 19: 11 - 18)
- The Authority of Christ (Revelation 1: 18; Matthew 10: 28)
- The Omniscience of Christ (Revelation 2: 23, 3: 1 - 16; Matthew 7: 21 - 23)
- The Worthiness of Christ (Revelation 5: 9 - 14)
- The Wrath of Christ (Revelation 6: 9 - 17)
- The Rapture of Christ (Revelation 3: 10; I Thessalonians 4: 16 - 17, Revelation 9: 3 - 19)
- The Two Resurrections of Christ (Revelation 20: 4 - 6)
- The Great - White Throne of Christ (Revelation 20: 11 - 15)
- The New Heaven and New Earth of Christ (Revelation 21: 1 - 4)
The Limits of Suffering
Pastor Joel Hernandez
1 Peter 1: 1-9
Pastor Joel Hernandez
1 Peter 1: 1-9
The Little Book
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 10
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 10
The Little Book
Revelation 10
Introduction: Revelation 6: 7 - 17, 9: 15 - 16
- The Possessor of The Little Book (Revelation 10: 1)
- The Identity of The Little Book (Revelation 10: 2, 5: 1 - 5)
- The Content of The Little Book
- A Declaration of Divine Sovereignty (Revelation 10: 2)
- An Unleashing of Divine Wrath (Revelation 10: 3, 6: 16 - 17)
- An Assertion of Divine Prerogative (Revelation 10: 3; Deuteronomy 29: 29; Romans 11: 33 - 36)
- A Breaking of Divine Restraint (Revelation 10: 5 - 6; II Peter 3: 9; Revelation 6: 10)
- A Fulfillment of Divine Mystery (Revelation 10: 7)
- The Command Regarding The Little Book
- Eden (Revelation 10: 8 - 10; Ezekiel 2: 8 - 9, 3: 1 - 4; Jeremiah 15: 16; Psalm 19: 7 - 10)
- Preach It ! (Revelation 10: 11)
The Love of Christ
Pastor Joel Hernandez
Matthew 15:29
Pastor Joel Hernandez
Matthew 15:29
The Magnificent Mary
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 1-2
The Magnificent Mary
Luke 1 - 2
- Mary was Favored (Luke 1: 26 - 31; Matthew 1: 19; John 8: 41; Luke 2: 6 - 7)
- Mary Needed Confirmation
- God Gave Her A Theological Explanation (Luke 1: 34 -35)
- God Gave Her A Practical Example (Luke 1: 36 - 37)
- Mary was Enthusiastically Willing (Luke 1: 38; Isaiah 6: 8; Romans 12: 1)
- Mary Intelligently Worshipped (Luke 1: 46)
- She Knew God was Willing to Save (Luke 1: 47)
- She Knew God was Eager to Bless (Luke 1: 48, 52)
- She Knew God was Holy (Luke 1: 49)
- She Knew God was Merciful (Luke 1: 50)
- She Knew God was Faithful (Luke 1: 54 - 55)
- Mary was Helpful (Luke 1: 24, 26, 39, 56)
- Mary was Deeply Devoted (Luke 2: 17 - 19)
- Mary was Willing to Suffer (Luke 2: 34 - 35; John 19: 25 - 27)