Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 18
The Judgment of Babylon the Great
Introduction: Revelation 17: 16, 18: 11, 16 - 19;
Isaiah 13: 19 - 22; Jeremiah 50: 13, 39 – 40
- The Reason for Her Judgment
- She Became a Dwelling Place for Demons (Revelation 18: 2)
- She Infects the Whole World with Immorality (Revelation 18: 3)
- The Warning to Avoid Her Judgment (Revelation 18: 4 - 5; Ephesians 5: 6 - 7)
- The Desire to See Her Judged (Revelation 18: 6; Exodus 22: 4 - 7)
- Attitudes That Will Damn You to Hell
- Self - Glory (Revelation 18: 7)
- Self – Sufficiency. (Revelation 18: 7)
- Description of Hell
- Torment (Revelation 18: 8; Revelation 20: 10; Matthew 13: 42)
- Mourning (Matthew 8: 12; Revelation 18: 8)
- Certainty of Hell
- It Is Swift (Revelation18: 8)
- It Is Sure (Revelation 18: 8)
- The Emotional Response to Her Judgment
- Grief
- Kings of The Earth (Revelation 18: 9 - 10)
- Merchants of The Earth (Revelation 18: 11 - 19)
- Joy (Revelation 18: 20 - 24)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 20: 11-15
Pastor David Abeyta The Great White Throne Judgment
Revelation 20: 11 - 15
A. The Scene (Revelation 20: 11)
1. Great (Daniel 7: 9 - 10)
2. White (Romans 2: 5; Psalm 103: 12; Isaiah 43: 25)
3. Him Who Sits On The Throne (John 5: 22 - 29; Acts 17: 31; Psalm 2: 12)
4. Earth and Heaven Fled Away (II Peter 3: 10 - 13)
5. The Great and The Small (Revelation 20: 4 - 6; John 5: 28 - 29)
6. The Unsaved Dead Summoned (Revelation 20: 6, 12; Romans 8: 1; John 5: 28 - 29)
B. The Standard (Revelation 20: 12; Daniel 7: 9 - 10)
1. Indisputable Evidence
• Thoughts (Romans 3: 16)
• Words (Matthew 12: 37)
• Secrets (Luke 8: 17)
• Deeds (Matthew 16: 27; Revelation 20: 13)
2. Degrees of Punishment (Matthew 11: 21 - 24; Luke 12: 47 - 48)
C. The Sentence (Revelation 20: 13 - 15; Matthew 8: 12, 13: 41 - 42, 22: 13; Romans 10: 9 - 10)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 21: 1 - 8
New Heaven and Earth
Revelation 21: 1 - 8
A. Why the Need for A New Heaven and Earth?
1. The Earth Is Polluted (Isaiah 24: 5 - 6; Romans 8: 19 - 22)
2. The Earth Is Tired (Psalm 102: 25 - 27)
3. The Earth Is Doomed (II Peter 3: 6 - 7)
4. The Earth Is Scarred (Revelation 21: 1)
B. The Capital City of The New Earth: The New Jerusalem
1. The New Jerusalem Is An Actual City (Revelation 21: 2, 14 - 17)
2. The New Jerusalem Is A Holy City (Revelation 21: 2)
3. The New Jerusalem Is An Expanding City (Hebrews 11: 9 - 10, 12: 22 - 24; John 14: 1 - 3)
4. The New Jerusalem Is A Bride (Revelation 21: 2; II Corinthians 11: 2)
5. The New Jerusalem Is A Tabernacle (Revelation 21: 3; Matthew 5: 8; I John 3: 2)
C. The Characteristics of The New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21: 4)
D. Access to The New Heavens and Earth (Revelation 21: 5 - 7)
E. The Outcasts from The New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21: 8)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 20-21
The New Jerusalem
Revelation 21 - 22
1. The New Jerusalem Is A Real City (Revelation 21: 10; Hebrews 11: 10)
2. The New Jerusalem Is A Holy City (Revelation 21: 10, 27)
3. The New Jerusalem Currently Exists (Revelation 21: 10; John 14: 1 - 3; Hebrews 12: 22 - 24)
4. The New Jerusalem Is Filled With The Glory of God (Revelation 21: 11, 23; Jude 1: 13; James 1: 17 - 18)
5. The New Jerusalem Is A Totally Secure City (Revelation 21: 12; Isaiah 42: 6 - 7; Ephesians 2: 20)
6. The New Jerusalem Is A Vast City (Revelation 21: 15 - 17; John 14: 1 - 3)
7. The New Jerusalem Is A Dazzling City (Revelation 21: 18 - 21, 22 - 26, 22: 1 - 5; Matthew 22: 30)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 22:17
The Last Invitation
An Examination of Powerful Incentive
to Respond to The Invitation
Revelation 22: 17
- The Love of Christ (Revelation 1: 5)
- The Return of Christ (Revelation 1: 7; Zechariah 12: 10; Revelation 9: 21, 19: 11 - 18)
- The Authority of Christ (Revelation 1: 18; Matthew 10: 28)
- The Omniscience of Christ (Revelation 2: 23, 3: 1 - 16; Matthew 7: 21 - 23)
- The Worthiness of Christ (Revelation 5: 9 - 14)
- The Wrath of Christ (Revelation 6: 9 - 17)
- The Rapture of Christ (Revelation 3: 10; I Thessalonians 4: 16 - 17, Revelation 9: 3 - 19)
- The Two Resurrections of Christ (Revelation 20: 4 - 6)
- The Great - White Throne of Christ (Revelation 20: 11 - 15)
- The New Heaven and New Earth of Christ (Revelation 21: 1 - 4)
John The Baptist
The Forerunner
Luke 1
A. John The Baptist’s Parents
1. They Ministered in Dark Political and Spiritual Times (Luke 1: 5)
2. They Ministered in Heartache and Disappointment (Luke 1: 5 - 7)
3. They Ministered Without Fanfare (Luke 1: 8 - 10)
B. John The Baptist’s Miraculous Birth
1. His Introduction (Luke 1: 11 - 13; Romans 4: 19 - 20)
2. His Characteristics
a. He Brings Joy (Luke 1: 14, 44, 47, 58)
b. He Is Great (Luke 1: 15, 7: 28)
c. He Is Totally Consecrated and Set - Apart
(Luke 1: 15; Numbers 6: 1 - 5; Judges 16: 17; I Samuel 1: 11)
d. He Is Divinely Empowered (Luke 1: 15)
· God Knows The Fetus (Jeremiah 1: 5)
· God Plans The Life of The Fetus (Galatians 1: 15)
· God Was A Fetus (Luke 1: 39 - 44)
C. John The Baptist’s Powerful Ministry
(Luke 1: 76 - 79)
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 2: 40, 52
Raising A Strong Child
Luke 2: 40, 52
Introduction: Philippians 2: 5 - 7; Hebrews 5: 8
- The Challenge of Parenting (Luke 2: 41)
- What Is the Passover? (Exodus 12: 21- 27)
- How Were You to Celebrate the Passover?
(Exodus 23: 17;Luke 2: 41;Matthew 13: 55)
- What Is the Significance of Passover?
(John 1: 29;IPeter 1: 18 - 19)
- The Skill of Parenting (Luke 2: 42 - 44; Matthew 12: 46 - 50; John 19: 25 - 27)
- The Joy of Parenting (Luke 2: 42 - 43)
- The Pain of Parenting (Luke 2: 43 - 49, 34 - 35; Matthew 12: 46 - 50; John 19: 26 - 27; I Samuel 1: 11)
- The Responsibility of Parenting (Luke 2: 51)