The Designs of Satan
Acts 19 - 21
- The Riot Designed to Silence Paul (Acts 19: 40)
- Before the Riot (Acts 19: 9 - 10)
- During the Riot: Anatomy of A Riot
- Need A Compelling Reason
(Acts 19: 23; John 14:4 - 6)
b. Need An Aggressive Agitator
(Acts 19: 24 - 25)
c. Need A Persuasive Argument
* Financial
(Acts 19: 24 - 27)
* Religious
(Acts 19: 27)
d. Need A Mob
(Acts 19: 28 - 32)
- After The Rioting (Acts 2: 17)
- Courage (Acts 20: 19 - 20)
- Conviction (Acts 20: 21)
- Commitment (Acts 20: 22- 24)
- Conscience (Acts 20: 25 - 27)
- Challenge (Acts 20: 28 - 31)
- The Plot Designed to Kill Paul (Acts 20: 1 - 6; Ecclesiastes 9: 4)
- The Accident Designed to Distract Paul (Acts 20: 7 - 12)
- The Advice Designed to Discourage Paul (Acts 21: 4 - 14)
Acts 21 - 23
A. Are You Totally Committed? (Acts 21: 10 - 14)
1. Why Was It So Important For Paul To Go To Jerusalem?
(Romans 15: 25 - 27; I Corinthians 16: 1 - 4; II Corinthians 8: 3 - 5; Ephesians 2: 14 - 17)
B. Do You Know The Extent and Depth of The Opposition? (Acts 21: 20 - 28)
C. Do You Understand The Relationship Between Law and Order, and Defending Your Faith?
(Acts 21: 31 - 32, 23: 10, 22 - 24; I Timothy 2: 1 - 2)
D. Do You Know How To Effectively Deal with People? (Acts 21: 37 - 40, 22: 1 - 2)
E. Have You Fully Prepared Your Defense?
1. Paul's Condition; What He Once Was
a. He Was A Self-Righteous Religious Man (Acts 22: 3)
b. He Was A Zealous Persecutor of The Way (Acts 22: 3 - 4)
2. Paul's Conversion (Acts 22: 6 - 10, 26: 14; Matthew 21: 44)
3. Paul's Commission (Acts 26: 16 - 18)
The Christian Warrior
Acts 26
A. The Assurance of The Warrior: Evidential Proofs
1. Changed Lives (Acts 26: 4 - 5)
2. Fulfilled Prophecy (Acts 26: 6 - 7; Isaiah 7: 14, 9: 6; Micah 5: 2; Daniel 9: 25)
3. The Resurrection (Acts 26: 8)
4. The Indestructibility of The Church (Acts 26: 9 - 11, 8: 1 - 4)
B. The Making of The Warrior (Acts 26: 12; John 15: 16; Romans 8: 29 - 30)
1. It Is A Powerful Call (Acts 26: 13)
2. It Is A Personal Call (Acts 26: 14)
3. It Is A Passionate Call (Acts 26: 15)
C. The Commissioning of The Warrior (Acts 26: 17)
1. Your Target Audience
a. They Are In Darkness (Acts 26: 18)
b. They Are In Bondage (Acts 26: 18)
c. They Are Under Condemnation (Acts 26: 18)
d. They Are Doomed For Hell (Acts 26: 18)
2. Your Tailored Message (Acts 26: 18)
D. The Message Of The Warrior
1. Repent
a. Turn To God (Acts 26: 19 - 20)
b. Turn From Sin (Acts 26: 20)
2. Believe (Acts 26: 23)
E. The Heart Of The Warrior
1. Confidence (Acts 26: 24 - 26)
2. Compassion (Acts 26: 28 - 29)
Salvation: Divine Preparation, Human Participation by Pastor David Abeyta
A. Divine Preparation
1. Man Has The Ability To Selectively Demonstrate Mercy
a. Julius (Acts 27: 1 - 3, 42 - 44)
b. Natives (Acts 28: 1 - 2)
c. Publius (Acts 28: 7, 10)
d. Brethren (Acts 28: 13 - 14)
2. Man Has The Ability To Imperfectly Comprehend Justice (Acts 28: 3 - 4)
3. Man Has The Ability To Dimly Perceive God (Acts 28: 6; Romans 1: 20 - 23)
4. Man Has The Ability To Vaguely Realize His Need (Acts 28: 8 - 10)
B. Human Participation
1. Give Thanks To God (Acts 27: 33 - 36)
2. Give A Good Testimony To God (Acts 28: 2 - 3)
3. Give Glory To God (Acts 28: 6 - 8)
4. Give A Clear Presentation of The Gospel Of God
a. Seize The Opportunity (Acts 28: 17)
b. Explain (Acts 28: 23)
c. Solemnly (Acts 28: 23)
d. Testify (Acts 28: 23)
e. Persuade (Acts 28: 23, 26: 27)
5. Give The Results To God (Acts 28: 24)
a. Those Who Won’t Believe; Warn Them (Acts 28: 25 - 27)
b. Those That Believe; Work With Them (Acts 28: 28 - 30)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 10
The Little Book
Revelation 10
Introduction: Revelation 6: 7 - 17, 9: 15 - 16
- The Possessor of The Little Book (Revelation 10: 1)
- The Identity of The Little Book (Revelation 10: 2, 5: 1 - 5)
- The Content of The Little Book
- A Declaration of Divine Sovereignty (Revelation 10: 2)
- An Unleashing of Divine Wrath (Revelation 10: 3, 6: 16 - 17)
- An Assertion of Divine Prerogative (Revelation 10: 3; Deuteronomy 29: 29; Romans 11: 33 - 36)
- A Breaking of Divine Restraint (Revelation 10: 5 - 6; II Peter 3: 9; Revelation 6: 10)
- A Fulfillment of Divine Mystery (Revelation 10: 7)
- The Command Regarding The Little Book
- Eden (Revelation 10: 8 - 10; Ezekiel 2: 8 - 9, 3: 1 - 4; Jeremiah 15: 16; Psalm 19: 7 - 10)
- Preach It ! (Revelation 10: 11)
The Bible – 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21
The origins of marriage
1. The Best available records – Marriage in existence for 4350 years
2. First recorded marriage ceremony 2350 BC in Mesopotamia
3. In the Western World, the concept of marriage was embraced by ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans
Marriage according to Culture and Tradition
The Concept of Marriage – Genesis 2:21-25
What is Marriage? – Malachi 2:14
What did Jesus say about Marriage? Matthew 19:4-6
What did the Apostle Paul say about Marriage?
Ephesians 5:31-33
The most important Marriage – Revelations 19:7-9
Where does the Righteousness of the Saints come from?
Philippians 3:6-11, Romans 3:20-26, 2 Corinthians 5:21
Jesus’ Bride – John 19:17-37
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 12
The Career of the Red Dragon
Speaker: Pastor David Abeyta
Introduction: Revelation 12: 3; Genesis 37: 9; Isaiah 42: 6 - 7
A. He Tried To Usurp Christ
(Revelation 12: 4; Ezekiel 28: 12 - 15; Colossians 1: 13 - 16;
Isaiah 14: 12 - 14)
B. He Tried To Destroy Christ
(Revelation 12: 2)
1. Destroy The Line (Genesis 4: 8; Luke 3: 23, 38)
2. Pollute The Women (Genesis 6: 2)
3. Desecrate The Mother (Genesis 12: 14 - 15)
4. Eliminate The Men (Exodus 1: 16)
5. Slaughter The Remnant (II Chronicles 22: 10 - 12)
6. Annihilate The Nation (Esther 3: 13)
7. Murder The King (Revelation 12: 4; Matthew 2: 16)
C. He Tried to Destroy The People Of Christ
(Revelation 12: 6, 13 - 17; Matthew 24: 15 - 27)
D. He Tried To Reclaim The People of Christ
(Revelation 12: 7 - 10; Ephesians 2: 2; I Thessalonians 4: 16 - 17)
E. He Tried To Destroy The People of Christ
(Revelation 12: 10 - 12; Romans 8: 31 - 34)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 14: 12
Perseverance of The Saints
Revelation 14: 12
Introduction: Revelation 13: 16 - 17, 14: 9 - 11, 7: 9 - 14
- The Persevering Power of The Triune God
- The Father
- He Saved Us Through Christ (II Timothy 1: 9)
- He Gives Us To Christ (John 6: 37 - 39, 10: 29, 17: 2 - 9)
- He Makes Us Like Christ (Romans 8: 28 - 30)
- The Son
- His Redeeming Work (Romans 3: 25 - 26)
- His Intercessory Work (Hebrews 7: 25; Romans 8: 34 - 35; Luke 22: 31 - 32)
- The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1: 13 - 14)
- The Persevering Faith of The Child of God (Colossians 1: 21- 23)
- What If You Don’t Persevere? (I John 2: 19)
- How Can You Be Assured of Your Salvation?
(II Corinthians 13: 5)
- Evidences of True Salvation (I John 5: 13)
- Love of God (I John 5: 1)
- Longing For Christ’s Return (I John 3: 2 - 3)
- Awareness of Sin (I John 1: 8 - 10)
- Decreasing Pattern of Sin (I John 3: 9 - 10)
- Rejection of Worldliness (I John 2: 15)
Love of The Brethren
(I John 3: 14)
Pastor David Abeyta
Revelation 16
The Seven Bowl Judgments
Revelation 16
Introduction: Revelation 14 - 16, 15: 1
- Bowl Judgment, Number One: A World-Wide Pandemic (Revelation 16: 2; Exodus 9: 1 - 17)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Two: Death to The Oceans (Revelation 16: 3)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Three: Rivers of Blood (Revelation 16: 4; Exodus 7: 17 - 19; Revelation 16: 5 - 7)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Four: Intense Global Warming (Revelation 16: 8 - 9; Amos 9: 5)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Five: Universal Darkness (Revelation 16: 10 - 11; John 3: 19)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Six: Invasion of The Kings of The East (Revelation 16: 12)
- Bowl Judgment, Number Seven: A World-Wide Earthquake (Revelation 16: 17 - 21)