Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
His heart's desire for you
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chp 15
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chp 15
His Heart’s Desire For You
John 15
A. I Want You To Be Energized (Bear - Fruit)
(John 15: 1 – 17)
1. The Source of Fruitfulness (John 15: 1)
2. The Facilitator of Fruitfulness (John 15: 1; Isaiah 5: 1 – 6)
3. The Development of Fruitfulness
(John 15: 2; I Corinthians 11: 29 – 32; Acts 5: 1 – 5;
Hebrews 12: 7 - 11)
4. The Motivation for Fruitfulness
(John 15: 3, 13: 10; Romans 8: 1)
5. The Exhortation to Fruitfulness
(John 15: 4 – 5; Philippians 2: 12 - 13)
6. The Severity of No Fruit-Bearing
(John 15: 6, 10: 27 – 29; Matthew 7: 18 – 20; John 6: 60 - 71)
7. The Instrument of Fruitfulness (John 15: 7)
8. The Ultimate Purpose of Fruitfulness (John 15: 8)
9. The Supreme Model for Fruitfulness (John 15: 9 – 12)
10. The Results of Fruitfulness (John 15: 11)
11. The Obligation to Fruitfulness (John 15: 16)
B. I Want You To Be Emboldened
(John 15: 18 – 20)
C. I Want You To Be Empowered
(John 15: 26)
Pastor David Abeyta
Gospel of John Chp 15:18 to Chp 16:7
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Pastor David Abeyta
Gospel of John Chp 15:18 to Chp 16:7
John 15: 18 – 16: 7
A. The Privilege of Persecution
(John 15: 18)
B. The Source of Persecution
(John 15: 19)
1. The World Hates Believers (John 17: 14)
2. The World Must Be Engaged By Believers
(John 17: 15)
3. The World Is Controlled By The Evil One (John 17: 15)
4. The World Is To Be Resisted (John 17: 16 – 17)
5. The World Is To Be Evangelized (John 17: 18)
C. The Certainty of Persecution
(John 15: 20 – 21; I Peter 4: 12)
D. The Inexcusibility of Persecution
(John 15: 22 – 24)
E. The Inevitability of Persecution
(John 15: 25)
F. The Helper in Persecution
(John 15: 26 – 27)
G. The Reaction to Persecution
(John 16: 1 , 4)
H. The Variety of Persecution
1. Social Persecution (John 16: 2)
2. Religious Persecution (John 16: 2)
I. The Danger of Persecution
(John 16: 5 – 6)
The Holy Spirit - The Helper
Pastor David Abeyta
John 14:16
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The Holy Spirit, The Helper
John 14: 16
A. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Salvation
1. He Initiates Salvation (John 16: 7 – 11)
a. He Convicts (John 16: 8; Genesis 6: 3 - 7)
b. He Convinces (John 16: 8)
* The Need for Righteousness
* The Impossibility of Attaining
Righteousness Alone (Romans 3: 23)
* The Attaining of Righteousness (Romans 3: 22 - 25)
c. He Warns (John 16: 8 – 11)
2. He Facilitates Salvation (John 3: 8)
a. Regeneration Is Not Achieved By Religion
(John 3: 1 – 3)
b. Regeneration Is Necessary To Enter The Kingdom
of God (John 3: 3, 5)
c. Regeneration Is A Second Birth (John 3: 6)
d. Regeneration Is Mysterious (John 3: 8)
B. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Evangelism
(John 14: 12 – 16)
1. The Vision (John 14: 12)
2. The Focus (John 14: 13)
3. The Strength (John 14: 14)
4. The Motive (John 14: 15)
5. The Energy (John 14: 16)
C. The Holy Spirit: The Helper In Sanctification
1. He Protects You (Ephesians 1: 13)
2. He Helps You Fight Sin (Romans 8: 13)
3. He Helps Assure You (Romans 8: 16)
D. The Holy Spirit: The Helper, An Author Of Scripture
(John 16: 12 – 15, 14: 25 – 26; II Timothy 3: 16; II Peter 1: 20 – 21)
The Greatest Prayer
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 17
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 17
A. Why Does Want Us To Pray?
1. Not So that God Can Find Out Want We Need
(Matthew 6: 5)
2. Prayer Expresses Our Trust In God
3. Prayer Demonstrates Our Conviction that God Is
Good, Wise, and Powerful (Matthew 6: 9; Luke 11: 9 – 12)
4. Prayer Brings Us Into Fellowship with God
(John 17: 3)
B. The Effectiveness of Prayer
1. Prayer Changes The Way God Acts
(James 4: 2; Exodus 32: 11 - 12)
2. Effective Prayer Is Made Possible By Our Mediator
(I Timothy 2: 5; Hebrews 4: 14 – 16, 10: 19)
3. What Is “Prayer In Jesus’ Name�
(John 14: 13 – 14, 15: 16, 16: 23 – 24)
a. By The Authority of Jesus (Acts 3: 6, 4: 7, 16: 18)
b. Represents The Person Himself (I John 5: 14 – 15)
c. Should We Pray to The Holy Spirit?
(Ephesians 4: 30)
d. The Role of The Holy Spirit in Prayer
(Romans 8: 26 – 27)
C. Some Important Considerations For Effective Prayer
1. Pray According To The Will of God
(I John 5: 14 – 15; Matthew 26: 39, 6: 10; John 15: 7;
II Corinthians 12: 9 - 10)
2. Confession of Sins (I John 1: 8 – 10)
3. Persevering In Prayer (II Corinthians 12: 8; Mark 14: 36, 39)
4. Pray Earnestly (Hebrews 5: 7)
5. What About Unanswered Prayer?
(II Samuel 12: 15 – 24)
The Garden of Gethsemane
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 18
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 18
The Garden of Gethsemane
John 18
A. Introduction to The Garden
(John 18: 1; Luke 22: 39 – 41; Matthew 14: 23)
B. Prayer in The Garden
(Matthew 26: 36)
1. His Need to Pray
a. Grief
b. Temptation (Matthew 26: 41)
2. The Content of His Prayer (Matthew 26: 39 – 42)
3. The Intensity of His Prayer (Luke 22: 43 – 44)
4. The Results of His Prayer (Mark 14: 48 – 50)
C. Sorrow in The Garden
(Matthew 26: 36)
D. Treachery in The Garden
(Matthew 26: 47 – 50; 14: 16; Proverbs 27: 6)
E. Confrontation in The Garden
(John 18: 3 – 11)
1. Jesus Confronts the Crowd (John 18: 4)
2. Jesus Identifies Himself (John 18: 5 – 6; 10: 17 – 18)
3. Jesus Protects His Disciples (John 18: 7 – 9)
4. Jesus Controls the Situation (John 18: 10 – 11)
Majesty on display through Discouragement and Treachery
Pastor David Abeyta
Matthew 26
Majesty on Display Through
Discouragement and Treachery
A. The Disciples Abandoned Jesus
(Matthew 26: 36 – 45)
1. How Did Jesus Respond?
a. He Protects Them (John 18: 4 – 9)
b. He Convinces Them (Luke 24: 36 – 43, 22: 45)
B. Judas Betrays Him
(Matthew 26: 47 – 49)
1. How Did Jesus Respond?
a. He Reached Out (Matthew 26: 50)
b. He Warned (Mark 14: 17 – 2; Luke 22: 3 – 6;
Matthew 26: 14 – 16)
C. Peter Denied Him
(Matthew 26: 69 – 75)
1. Jesus Responds to Peter
a. He Recommissioned Him
(John 21: 15 – 17; Matthew 26: 75)
b. He Prayed For Him (Luke 22: 31 – 34)
D. The Jewish Leaders Condemned Him
(John 18: 12 – 24; Luke 22: 63 – 65; Mark 14: 64 – 65;
Matthew 27: 27 – 31)
1. How Did Jesus Respond?
a. Submission to The Will of God (I Peter 2: 21 – 23)
b. Forgiveness (Luke 23: 34)
E. Pilate Washed His Hands
(“Jesus Is Not My Problemâ€)
(Matthew 27: 1 – 26)
1. Jesus Is Your Problem (Hebrews 10: 26 – 31)
Eliezer of Damascus - A Faithful Servant
Raul Caracoza
Genesis Chapter 24
Raul Caracoza
Genesis Chapter 24
The faithfulness of Eliezer of Damacus and his service to his earthly master - Abraham, and his heavenly master - God.
A prime example of service and humility
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."
Colossians 3:23-24
17 Last Words of Jesus
Pastor David Abeyta
Mark 15:25-37
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Pastor David Abeyta
Mark 15:25-37
The Last Words of Christ
Introduction: Mark 15: 25 – 37
1. A Word of Supplication
(Matthew 26: 36 – 38; John 14: 2 – 3)
2. A Word of Admonition
(Matthew 26: 41; II Corinthians 2: 11)
3. A Word of Submission
(Matthew 26: 39 – 42; II Corinthians 12: 7 – 10)
4. A Word of Tenderness
(Matthew 26: 50; Romans 5: 8 - 10)
5. A Word of Commitment
(Matthew 26: 52 – 54)
6. A Word of Resolve
(John 18: 4 – 8)
7. A Word of Silence
(Matthew 26: 62 – 63, 27: 12 – 14; Isaiah 53: 7)
8. A Word Exultation
(John 19: 10 – 11)
9. A Word of Self-Identification
(Matthew 26: 63 – 64; Daniel 7: 13 – 14)
10. A Word of Warning
(Luke 23: 26 – 31)
11. A Word of Forgiveness
(Luke 23: 34; Isaiah 53: 12)
12. A Word of Salvation
(Luke 23: 42 – 43)
13. A Word of Love
(John 19: 26 – 27)
14. A Word of Anguish
(Matthew 27: 45 – 46)
15. A Word of Humanity
(John 19: 28 – 30)
16. A Word of Victory
(John 19: 30)
17. A Word of Consummation
(Luke 23: 46)
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 23:43
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Luke 23: 43
Introduction: Hebrews 9: 27
1. The Veracity of Heaven
(Luke 23: 43)
2. The Central Focus of Heaven
(Luke 23: 43; John 14: 2 – 3; Revelation 21: 3 – 4)
3. The Immediacy of Heaven
(Luke 23: 43; Philippians 1: 21 -23; II Corinthians 5: 8)
4. The Beauty of Heaven
(Luke 23: 43; Revelation 2: 7; II Corinthians 12: 2 – 7;
Revelation 21: 4 – 27)
5. The Grace of Heaven
(Luke 23: 39 – 43)
6. The Possibility of Heaven
(Luke 23: 44; Matthew 27: 45 – 46; II Corinthians 5: 21)
Why I believe the Word of God
Pastor David Abeyta
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Why I Believe the Word of God
Fulfilled Prophecy, Practical Significance
1. Betrayed By A Friend
(Matthew 26: 49 – 50; John 13: 18; Psalms 41: 9, 55: 12 – 14)
2. Sold For Thirty Pieces of Silver
(Matthew 26: 14 – 16; Zechariah 11: 12 – 1; Exodus 21: 32)
3. Forsaken By His Disciples
(Mark 14: 48 – 51; Zechariah 13: 7 – 9)
4. Silent Before His Accusers
(Isaiah 53: 7 – 8; Matthew 27: 12 - 14)
5. Wounded and Pierced
(John 19: 34 – 37; Isaiah 53: 5 – 6; Psalms 22: 14,
Ezekiel 36: 26 - 27)
6. Smitten and Spit Upon
(Isaiah 50: 6 – 7; Matthew 26: 67 – 68; John 18: 4 – 8)
7. Mocking
(Psalms 22: 6 – 18; Matthew 27: 31)
8. Crucified with Thieves
(Isaiah 53: 12; Luke 23: 39 - 41)
9. Gawl and Vinegar Offered to Him
(Psalms 69: 21; Matthew 27: 34)
10. Buried In A Rich Man’s Tomb
(Isaiah 53: 9; Matthew 27: 57 – 60; John 19: 38 - 42)
Prayer - Jesus teaches us how to pray
Guest - Pastor Joel Hernandez
Matthew 6:8-13
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Guest - Pastor Joel Hernandez
Matthew 6:8-13
Matthew Chapter 6:8-13
When the disciples asked, Jesus demonstrates to them how to pray
Evidence that demands a verdict
Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:30-31
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Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:30-31
Evidence That Demands A Verdict
John 20: 30 – 31, 21, 25
A. The Opened Tomb
(John 20: 1; Mark 16: 4; Matthew 27: 62 – 66; Mark 14: 50 – 51)
B. The Linen Wrappings
(John 20: 5 – 9, 19: 38 – 40, 11: 44)
C. The Angels
(John 20: 11 – 13; Luke 24: 2 – 6; Exodus 25: 17 - 22)
D. The Risen Christ
(John 20: 14 – 18)
1. Do Not Panic (John 20: 14 – 18, 14: 2 – 3)
2. Do Not Fear (John 20: 19 – 20; Revelation 5: 11 - 14)
3. Do Not Cower (John 20: 21, 17: 18)
* You Have The Power (John 20: 22; Acts 1: 8)
* You Have The Authority
(John 20: 23, II Corinthians 5: 18 – 21)
E. The Risen Christ Identifies Himself to Thomas
(John 20: 24 – 29)
1. Doubting Defined (John 20: 28)
2. Doubting Resolved (John 20: 27 – 29)
Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:24-29
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Pastor David Abeyta
John 20:24-29
John 20: 24 – 29
A. Categories of Doubt
1. Good Doubt (Acts 17: 11; Isaiah 8: 19 – 20)
2. Provisional Doubt (John 20: 26 – 28)
3. Temporary Doubt (Matthew 14: 25 – 31; Hebrews 12: 2)
4. Inexcusable Doubt (Genesis 3: 1 – 6; Matthew 12: 38 – 39)
5. Convenient Doubt (Psalms 14: 1 – 2; Romans 1: 18 – 20)
B. Overcoming Doubt
1. Prayer (Matthew 21: 21 – 22; Marl 9: 17 - 24)
2. God’s Word (Romans 4: 19 – 21; Romans 10: 17)
3. Obedience (II Corinthians 13: 5; I John 5: 11 – 13)
C. The Blessing of Not-Doubting
(I Peter 1: 8 – 9)
The Recommissioning
Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 21
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Pastor David Abeyta
John Chapter 21
The Recommissioning
John 21: 1 – 23
Introduction: John 21: 1 – 3; Luke 9: 57 – 62; Luke 5: 10 – 11
1. He Let Them Experience Failure
(John 21: 3; Luke 5: 4 – 10; Psalm 127: 1 – 2; I Corinthians 15: 58;
Haggai 1: 5 – 9)
2. He Reveals Himself
a. He Reveals Himself (John 21: 4; I Corinthians 2: 14)
b. He Identifies Himself (John 21: 5: Romans 8: 15)
3. He Provides For Them
(John 21: 5 – 6)
a. Omniscience (Matthew 10: 29, 6: 8 – 9)
b. Omnipotent
4. He Welcomes and Encourages The
Fellowship of His People
(John 21: 7 – 8; John 8: 10; 20: 6, 21: 7)
5. He Ministers to His People
(John 21: 9, 12 – 13)
6. He Expects Our Contribution
(John 21: 10 – 11)
7. He Protects Our Labor
(John 21: 11)
8. He Recommissions Peter
(John 21: 15 – 17)
9. He Warns Them To Count The Cost
(John 21: 18 – 19; Matthew 10: 37 – 39)
The Gospel of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 1:1-17
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 1:1-17
The Gospel of God
Romans 1: 1 – 17
A. The Gospel’s Proponents
1. Paul, The Apostle
a. The Bond Servant (Romans 1: 1; Philippians 3: 4 – 6; Acts 22: 3 - 4)
b. The Apostle (Romans 1: 1; Acts 9: 3 – 15)
2. The Prophets (Romans 1: 2; Isaiah 53: 3 – 12; Genesis 3: 15)
B. The Gospel’s Central Person
1. The Son’s Humanity (Romans 1: 3)
2. The Son’s Deity (Romans 1: 4; Philippians 2: 5 – 7)
3. The Trinity’s Involvement
a. The Father is The Author of The Gospel (Romans 1: 1)
b. The Son, The Enabler of The Gospel (Romans 1: 3)
c. The Spirit, The Facilitator of The Gospel (Romans 1: 4)
C. The Gospel’s Purpose
(Romans 1: 5)
D. The Gospel’s Proclamation
(Romans 1: 8; Acts 18: 2 – 3, 16: 20 - 21)
E. The Gospel’s Partnership
1. His Longing (Romans 1: 9 – 10)
2. His Purpose
a. Encouragement (Romans 1: 11 – 12)
b. Fruit (Romans 1: 13)
* Optimism (Romans 1: 13)
* Obligation (Romans 1: 13)
* Eagerness (Romans 1: 15)
F. The Gospel’s Power
(Romans 1: 16)
G. The Gospel’s Point (Romans 1: 17)
1. The Demonstration of Righteousness
2. The Impartation of Righteousness
3. The Necessity of Righteousness
The Wrath of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 1:18-32
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 1:18-32
The Wrath of God
Romans 1: 18 – 32
A. The Source of God’s Wrath
(Romans 1: 18; Psalm 7: 11 – 13)
B. The Cause of God’s Wrath
1. The Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men
(Romans 1: 18)
a. Godless Men Suppress the Truth (Romans 1: 18)
b. Godless Men Ignore the Truth
(Romans 1: 19, 2: 15; Psalm 19: 1)
c. Godless Men Exchange the Truth (Romans 1: 21 – 25 )
C. The Result of God’s Wrath
1. Darkness (Romans 1: 21; Ephesians 4: 17 – 18)
2. Release (Romans 1: 24 – 26)
a. Consequences of God’s Release
* Impurity (Romans 1: 24)
* Degrading Passions
(Romans 1: 26 – 27; Leviticus 18: 22)
3. Depravity (Romans 1: 28)
a. Depravity Affecting Criminal Behavior (Romans 1: 29)
b. Depravity Affecting The Workplace (Romans 1: 29 – 30)
c. Depravity Affecting Relationships (Romans 1: 30)
d. Depravity Affecting the Family (Romans 1: 30 – 31)
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 2:1-29
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 2:1-29
Guilty !
The Guilt of The Moralist
Romans 2: 1 – 29
Introduction: Romans 3: 23
A. Guilty of Ignoring What We Know !
(Romans 2: 1)
1. Man Is Utterly Sinful (Romans 2: 1)
2. God Is Absolutely Holy (Romans 2: 2)
B. Guilty of Deficient View of God !
(Romans 2: 3)
C. Guilty of Abusing The Kindness and Grace of God !
(Romans 2: 4)
D. Guilty of Down-Playing God’s Judgment !
1. Judgment Deferred (Romans 2: 5)
2. Judgment Certain (Romans 2: 5; Revelation 20: 11 - 15)
3. Judgment Based on God’s Righteousness
(Romans 2: 5 – 8)
4. Judgment Is Universal (Romans 2: 9 – 11)
5. Judgment Is Fair (Romans 2: 12 – 16; Luke 12: 47 – 48);
Matthew 11: 20 – 23)
E. Guilty of Superiority !
(Romans 2: 17 – 20; Acts 19: 37)
F. Guilty of A Double Standard !
(Romans 2: 21 – 24)
G. Guilty of Majoring on Externals !
(Romans 2: 25 – 29)
Why bad things happen to good people.
Pastor David Abeyta
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Reasons Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
A. The Reason No One Wants to Hear
(Genesis 1: 31, 27, 2: 16 – 17, 3: 6; Romans 5: 12)
B. To Win An Unseen Victory
(Ephesians 6: 11 – 12; Job 1: 9 – 11, 20 – 22, 2: 9 – 10)
C. To Expand Our Perspective of God
(Job 7: 20, 10: 2, 38: 1 – 11, 42: 1 – 6)
D. To Increase the Testimony of God
(Daniel 6: 7, 10, 16, 26)
E. To Stretch Us for Greater Growth
(II Corinthians 11: 23 – 27; Romans 5: 3 - 5)
F. To Remind of Us, We Are Not Home Yet
(Romans 8: 18 – 22; Revelation 21: 4; I Corinthians 4: 16 – 18)
G. To Equip Us For Further Ministry
(I Corinthians 1: 3 – 4)
The Righteousness of God
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 3
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 3
Examination of Romans Chapter 3
How mankind falls short of God's Righteousness and how to become righteous in the sight of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21
True Saving Faith
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 4
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 4
True Saving Faith
Romans 4: 1 – 25
Introduction: The Bad News (Romans 3: 10 – 12)
The Good News (Romans 3: 23 – 25)
A. The Unbiblical Options to True Saving Faith
1. Salvation by Works (Romans 4: 1)
a. Self Glory (Romans 4: 2, 3: 27 – 28; Ephesians 2: 8 - 9)
b. Self-Righteousness (Romans 4: 4; Luke 18: 9 – 14)
2. Salvation by Circumcision (Romans 4: 9)
a. The False Power of Circumcision
(Galatians 5: 1 – 4)
b. The Chronology of Circumcision
(Romans 4: 10; Genesis 17: 10 – 24, 15: 6)
c. The Purpose of Circumcision (Romans 4: 11)
3. Salvation by Law
(Romans 4: 13 – 15; Galatians 3: 10 – 17)
B. The Results of True Saving Faith, Righteousness
(Romans 4: 3 – 6, 3: 24 – 26)
C. The Source of True Saving Faith, Grace
(Romans 4: 16; Joshua 24: 2 – 3; Ephesians 2: 8)
D. The Characteristics of True Saving Faith
(Romans 4: 17 – 21)
True Joy
Guest - Pastor Joel Hernandez
Philippians 4:1-7
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Guest - Pastor Joel Hernandez
Philippians 4:1-7
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
The Blessings of Justification: Assurance
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 5;1-11
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 5;1-11
The Blessings of Justification: Assurance
Romans 5: 1 – 11
A. Assurance Based on A Sure, Certain Verdict
(Romans 5: 1)
B. Assurance Based on A Changed Status
(Romans 5: 1)
1. Our Former Status
a. We Were Enemies (Romans 5: 10; Hebrews 10: 29 – 31)
b. We Were Dead (Ephesians 2: 1)
c. We Were Enslaved (Ephesians 2: 2 – 3)
2. Our Present State (Colossians 1: 20 – 22)
C. Assurance Based on A Solid Standing
(Romans 5: 2)
1. Jesus Introduced Us to The Grace of God
(Romans 5: 2; I Timothy 2: 5)
2. Jesus Secures Us to The Grace of God
(Romans 5: 2; John 6: 37 – 39, 10: 27 - 28)
D. Assurance Based on An Absolute Hope
(Romans 5: 3)
1. Hope Keeps Us Focused
(Romans 5: 23, 8: 29 – 30; Philippians 3: 12 – 14)
2. Hope Keeps Us Fighting the Good Fight
(Romans 5: 3 – 4)
E. Assurance Based on A Lavished Gift
(Romans 5: 5, 8: 16)
F. Assurance Based on An Amazing Death
(Romans 5: 6 – 11)
Responses to Christmas
Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 2:1-21
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Pastor David Abeyta
Luke 2:1-21
An examination of the responses to Christmas
Time Past, Present, and Future
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. Time: Past
1. Remember the Past (Deuteronomy 6: 10 – 15, 8: 11 – 17)
2. Learn From the Past (Psalm 39: 4 – 6)
3. Release the Past (II Corinthians 5: 17)
B. Time: Present
1. Run the Race (Hebrews 12: 1 – 2)
a. Run Unencumbered
b. Run Undefeated
c. Run Undistracted
2. Work the Field (Philippians 1: 21 – 25)
3. Navigate the Obstacles
(Ephesians 5: 15 – 18; Ecclesiastes 9: 11 – 12)
a. Time is Unstoppable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
b. Circumstances are Unpredictable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
c. Death is Unescapable (Ecclesiastes 9: 11)
C. Time: Future
1. Encouragement in the Mist of Trials
(Jeremiah 29: 10)
a. Be Strong (Jeremiah 29: 4 – 7)
b. Be Hopeful (Jeremiah 29: 10)
c. Be Confident (Jeremiah 29: 11)
2. Eager Expectation (Philippians 3: 20 – 4: 1)
3. Persistent Progress (Philippians 3: 10 – 14)
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. The Existence of God
1. A Deep Inner Sense (Romans 1: 19 – 21)
2. The WORD (Genesis 1: 1)
3. Creation
(Romans 1: 20; Psalm 19: 1- 2; II Corinthians 4: 4)
B. The Knowability of God
(Genesis 11: 27; Psalm 145: 3, 147: 5, 139: 6, Romans 11: 33;
Jeremiah 9: 23 - 24)
C. The Independence of God
(Acts 17: 24 – 25; Psalm 50: 10 – 12; John 17: 5, 24; Isaiah 62: 3 – 5)
D. The Unchangeableness of God
1. Unchanging in His Being (James 1: 17)
2. Unchanging in His Purpose
3. Unchanging in His Promise (Number 23: 19)
E. The Eternity of God
(Psalm 90: 2 – 4; Revelation 1: 8, 4: 8; Isaiah 46: 9 – 10;
Revelation 22: 2; Ephesians 5: 15 - 19)
F. The Omnipresence of God
(Psalm 139: 7 – 11)
The Trinity
Pastor David Abeyta
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A. Objections to The Doctrine of The Trinity
B. The Doctrine of The Trinity is Progressively
Revealed in Scripture
1. Partial Revelation In The Old Testament
(Genesis 1: 26, 3: 22, 11: 7; Isaiah 6: 8; Psalm 45: 6 - 7)
2. Complete Revelation In The New Testament
(Matthew 3: 16 – 17, 28: 19; I Corinthians 12: 4 – 6; II Corinthians 13: 14;
I Peter 1: 2; Jude 20 – 21)
C. Three Statements Summarizing The Trinity
1. God Is Three Persons (John 1: 1 – 2, 9 - 18, 17: 24, 14: 26, 16: 7)
2. Each Person Is Fully God
a. God the Father Is Clearly God
b. God the Son Is Fully God
(John 20: 25 – 28; Hebrews 1: 2 – 12; Isaiah 9: 6)
c. God the Holy Spirit Is Fully God
(Acts 5: 3 – 4; Psalm 139: 7 – 10; I Corinthians 2: 10 - 11)
3. There Is Only One God
(Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 5; Isaiah 45: 5 – 6, 21 – 22; I Corinthians 8: 5 – 6)
D. Inadequate Solutions To The Trinity
1. Deny The First Statement (Modalism: UPC)
2. Deny The Second Statement (Arianism: JW)
3. Deny The Third Statement (Polytheism)
E. What Are The Distinctions Between
The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit?
F. Application
Christ - The conqueror of Adam's Sin
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 5:12
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 5:12
The Conqueror of Adam’s Sin
A. Adam
1. Entrance of Sin (Romans 5: 12)
a. One Man: Why was Adam Held Accountable
* He was Directly Created by God
(Genesis 2: 7, 5: 1 – 3)
* He was Given A Garden Paradise to Live In
(Genesis 2: 8)
* He was Given A Direct Command By God
(Genesis 2: 16 – 17)
2. Consequences of Sin
a. Destruction (Genesis 2: 18 – 25)
b. Death (Romans 5: 12)
3. The Root of Sin (Romans 5: 13 – 14)
B. Christ
1. The Superiority of Christ’s Gift (Romans 5: 15)
2. The Power of Christ’s Gift (Romans 5: 16)
3. The Abundance of Christ’s Gift (Romans 5: 17)
4. The Author of Christ’s Gift (Romans 5: 18 – 21)
Victory over sin
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans 6
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Victory Over Sin, Is It Really Possible?
Romans 6
A. How To Have Victory Over Sin?
Keys To A Holy Life (Romans 5: 12)
1. You Need to Know Certain Truths (Romans 5: 12)
a. We Have Died To Sin (Romans 6: 2)
b. We Have Been Baptized Into Christ
(Romans 6: 3, I Corinthians 10: 2, 12: 13)
* United In His Death (Romans 6: 3 – 4, 8 – 9)
* United In His Resurrection
(Romans 6: 4 – 5; Colossians 3: 1 – 3)
c. We Have Been Crucified with Christ
(Romans 6: 6; Galatians 2: 20)
2. You Need To Resist and Rebel Against Sin
(Romans 6: 12 – 13)
3. You Need To Yield and Submit To God
(Romans 6: 13 – 14; James 4: 7 – 8)
4. You Need To Obey and Serve
(Romans 6: 15 – 22)
The Christian's Autobiography
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 7
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 7
The Christian’s Autobiography
Romans 7
A. Condemned By The Law
(Romans 7: 1)
B. Released From The Law’s Condemnation and
Penalty (Romans 7: 2 - 6; Galatians 5: 22 – 23)
C. Realizing The Real Nature of The Law
1. The Law Does Not Save
a. The Law Arouses Sin (Romans 7: 5)
b. The Law Activates Sin (Romans 7: 7)
c. The Law Energies Sin (Romans 7: 7 – 12)
d. The Law Exposes (Romans 7: 13)
D. The Agony an d Battle of Keeping The Law
1. I Love God’s Law (Romans 7: 14)
2. I Hate My Sin (Romans 7: 14)
3. I Am Tormented (Romans 7: 15)
4. I Defend and Agree In God’s Law (Romans 7: 16)
5. I Have A New Identity (Romans 7: 17 – 21)
E. The Strength To Keep The Law
(Romans 7: 21 – 25, 7: 5 – 6)
Freedom in Christ
Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 8:1-17
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Pastor David Abeyta
Romans Chapter 8:1-17
Freedom In Christ
Romans 8: 1 – 17
A. Freedom From The Condemnation
of The Law of God (Romans 8: 1)
1. The Law of God Has Been Violated (Romans 8: 2)
a. The Results of The Law (Romans 8: 2)
b. The Limitations of The Law
(Romans 8: 3, 7: 5, 7 – 8, 12 – 13)
2. The Law of God Has Been Satisfied
By The Son of God
a. The Son Is God (Romans 8: 3)
b. The Son Is Man
(Romans 8: 3; II Corinthians 5: 21)
B. Freedom To Obey The Law of God
1. The Obligation To Obey (Romans 8: 4, 7: 12)
2. The Power to Obey (Romans 8: 4)
a. The Spirit - Filled Lifestyle ( Romans 8: 4)
b. The Spirit - Dominated Mindset (Romans 8: 5)
c. The Spirit - Produced Peace (Romans 8: 6)
d. The Spirit - Empowered Obedience (Romans 8: 7 – 9)
e. The Spirit - Sealed Life (Romans 8: 9)
f. The Spirit - Infused Life (Romans 8: 10 – 11)
3. The Battle to Obey God’s Law (Romans 8: 12 – 13)
a. Kill Sin (Romans 8: 13)
b. Obey God’s Word
c. Pray to Your Father (Romans 8: 15)
d. Produce Fruit (Romans 8: 16)