Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
Glory Of God Displayed
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
The Glory of God Displayed
Matthew 1
A. The Elective Purpose of God on Display
(Matthew 1:1-17, Genesis 11:26, 12:1-3, 17:18-19, 25:23, 49:1, Romans 9:11-20, Ephesians 1:3-6)
B. The Providence of God on Display
(Matthew 1:1-17)
1. God overcomes history:
a. The patriarch period
b. The egyptian enslavement period
c. The conquest period
d. The monarchial period
e. The exile period
f. The inter-testmental period
g. The roman period
2. God overcomes "Human weakness"
(Matthew 1:18-20)
C. The "Love and Mercy of God on Display" (Matthew 1:21)
D. The Word of God on Display (Matthew 1:22-23)
The Glory Of Christmas
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 1
Leadership Development
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 10
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 10
Leadership Development
Matthew 10
A. Leaders are Chosen
(Matthew 10:1-2, 4:18-21, Luke 6:12-13, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31)
B. Leaders are Recognized
(Matthew 10:1-2, 1 Timothy 3:1-8, Ephesians 2:20)
C. Leaders are Trained
(Matthew 10:5-6, 28:19, Mark 6:7)
D. Leaders are Empowered
(Matthew 10:7-8, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 1:8)
E. Leaders are Tested
1. The Test of Greed (Matthew 10:8)
2. The Test of Faith (Matthew 10:9-10)
3. The Test of Contentment (Matthew 10:11)
4. The Test of Discernment (Matthew 10:12-15)
F. Leaders are Warned, Expect Persecution
1. The Source of Persecution
*Religious (Matthew 10:16-17)
*Governmental (Matthew 1:18)
*Family (Matthew 10:21, 34)
2. The Permanence of Persecution (Matthew 10:2-23)
3. The Reason for Persecution (Matthew 10:24-25)
4. The Response to Persecution (Matthew 10:2-37)
G. Leaders are Challenged
1. Who Do You Love (Matthew 10:37)
2. How Much Do You Sacrifice? (Matthew 10:38)
3. What Consumes You? (Matthew 10:39)
The Progress of Rejection
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 11-12
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 11-12
The Progress of Rejection
Matthew 11-12
A. A Doubting Spirit
(Matthew 11:2-6, Matthew 3:1-12, John 20:24-29)
B. A Critical Spirit
(Matthew 11:16-19)
C. An Apathetic Spirit
(Matthew 11:20-24, Hebrews 10:26-27, Luke 17:26-29)
D. A Combative Spirit
(Matthew 12:1-15)
E. A Blasphemous Spirit
(Matthew 12:22-32, 1 Timothy 1:13-14, 2 Corinthians 6)
The Unforgivable Sin
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 12:31-49
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 12:31-49
The Unforgivable Sin
Matthew 12:31-49
A. Definition of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:31-32, 28, 9:11, 12:2, 14, Hebrews 6:4-6)
B. Punishment for the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:32)
C. Evidence of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:33-37)
D. Promotion for the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:38-39, 40, Luke 11:16)
E. The Inexcusability of the Unforgivable Sin
(Matthew 12:41-42)
F. The Encouragement to Commit the Unforgivable Sin
1. Morality and Religion (Matthew 12:43-45)
2. Familty Loyalty (Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3:21, Matthew 10:37, 13:35)
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 13
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 13
Matthew 13
Matthew 13 Deals with The Church Age, The Age of Grace, not Judgment
(Ephesians 3:4-5)
A. Judgment Initiated
(Matthew 13:3-10, 12:24, 13:12, 16-17)
B. Judgment Justified
(Matthew 13:3-8, 18-23)
1. The Unresponsive Hearer
2. The Superficial Hearer
3. The Worldly Hearer
4. The Receptive Hearer
C. Judgment Delayed
(Matthew 13:24-30, 36-39)
1. You Need Discernment
2. You Need Discipline (Matthew 18:15-17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15)
3. You Need Grace (Galatians 6:1-2)
D. Judgment Averted
(Matthew 13:44-45, Philippians 3:7-8, Hebrews 11:24-26)
E. Judgment Realized
(Matthew 13:47-50)
Our Mission to the World
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 13-16
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 13-16
Intro:(Genesis 6:5-16)
A.The Plan:(Matt:5:13)
1.The Purpose Of Salt
a.Create A Thirst For God
b.Flavor A Bland World (Jn 10:10,Ecc2:1-2,1 Peter 4:3-4)
c.Protect From Decay And Rot (2 Tim 3:1-6)
2.Get Out Of The Salt Shaker And Into The World
(John 17:11-18,20:21)
B.The Peril:
1.The Danger Of Being Rendered Useless,How Does This Happen? (Matt 5:13)
a.The World Buys You Off (James4:4)
b.The World Contaminates You (Phil 2:14-16)
c.The World Grows On You (1 Jn 2:15-17)
d.The World Deceives You (Col 1:13)
e.The World Discards You (Matt 5:13)
2.The Danger Of Being Silenced, Hiding The Light
a.Hiding The Light Due To Fear (Matt 5:14-15)
b.Hiding The Light Due To Guilt (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8)
c.Hiding The Light Due To Misunderstanding (Matt 5:14)
C.The Purpose: (Matt 5:16)
A Christ Rejecting Family: The Herods
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:1-12
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:1-12
A Christ Rejecting Family: The Herods
Matthew 14:1-12
Introduction: Matthew 2:1-16, 22, Luke 3:1
A. The Results of Rejecting Christ
1. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who Are...
Indifferent and Apathetic About Christ
(Matthew 14:1)
2. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who Are...
Ignorant About Christ
(Matthew 14:1, John 1:19-37)
3. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who...
Steal Each Others' Wives
(Matthew 14:3-4)
4. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who...
Violate God's Law
(Matthew 14:4)
5. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who...
Have No Fear of God
(Matthew 14:5)
6. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who...
Lust After Their Step-Daughters
(Matthew 14:6-7)
7. Rejecting Christ Produces Sons Who...
Make Weak Husbands
(Mark 6:17-28)
Five Critical Tests: Jesus Feeds The 5000
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:13-21
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:13-21
Five Critical Tests
Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Matthew 14:13-21
A. Jesus is Tested
(Matthew 14:13, 12:24, 46-50, 13:10-13, 14:8-11, John 6:26, Mark 6:34, John 10:11-14)
B. Phillip is Tested
(John 6:5-7, Matthew 14:15-16)
C. The Little Boy is Tested
(John 6:8-9)
1. The Test of Greed
2. The Test of Faith (Matthew 14:17-20)
D. The Multitude is Tested
(Matthew 14:19, Mark 6:39-40)
E. The Disciples are Tested
1. The Principle of Participation (Matthew 14:19)
2. The Principle of Success (Matthew 14:20)
3. The Principle of Blessing (Matthew 14:20)
Trials On The Raging Sea: Jesus Walks on Water
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:22-23
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 14:22-23
Trials on The Raging Sea
Jesus Walks on Water
Matthew 14: 22 – 33
A. Jesus Designed This Trial (Matthew 14: 2, 1 Peter 1: 5 - 7)
B. Jesus Prayed For His Disciples Through Their Trial (Matthew 14: 23, John 17: 11 – 18)
C. Jesus Did Not Immediately Rescue Them From Their Trial (Matthew 14: 24 – 25, John 11: 1 – 21, Genesis 22: 1- 12)
D. Jesus Is Concerned and Aware Of Our Trials (Mark 6: 47 – 48)
E. Jesus Will Rescue and Deliver You From Your
1. He Wants To Produce Faith
* Faith in His Power (Mark 6: 48)
* Faith in His Persons (Mark 6: 48 – 50)
* Faith in His Love (Mark 6: 50)
F. Jesus Does Not Want You To Get Overwhelmed
By Your Trials (Matthew 14: 28 - 30)
1. Stay Close to Jesus (Matthew 14: 28)
2. Stay Focused on Jesus
(Matthew 14: 29 – 30, Hebrews 12: 1 - 3)
G. Jesus Wants You To Totally Trust Him Through
Your Trials (Matthew 14: 31)
1. Do Not Doubt The One Who Is In the Boat with You (Matthew 14: 32)
2. Do Not Doubt The One Who Controls the Wind (Matthew 14: 32 – 33)
3. Do Not Doubt The One Who Controls Time (John 6: 21)
Traditions Of Men
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 15:1-20
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 15:1-20
Traditions of Men
Matthew 15:1-20
A. Man-made Traditions Can Become Sacred
(Matthew 15:1-2)
B. Man-made Traditions Elevate Man's Law Above God's Law
(Matthew 15:2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
C. Man-made Traditions Emphasize External Rules Over Internal Reality
(Matthew 15:2, 15-20)
D. Man-made Traditions Can Hide and Mask Sin
(Matthew 15:4-8, Mark 7:11)
E. Man-made Traditions Enable Men to Create New Doctrines
(Matthew 15:9)
F. Man-made Traditions Are Passed On and Enslave the Next Generation
(1 Peter 1:18, 2 Thessalonians 3:6)
Jesus And The Canaanite Woman (A Case-Study in True Faith)
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 15:21-28
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 15:21-28
Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
A Case-Study in True Faith
Matthew 15:21-28
I. Why Did Jesus Go to Tyre and Sidon
A. To Demonstrate True Faith
1. True Faith Recognizes and Turns from False Religions (Matthew 15:22)
a. Her Religion Had No Power (1 Kings 18:26-29)
b. Her Religion Had No Compassion (Matthew 15:22)
2. True Faith Overcomes
a. Overcomes the Silence of God (Matthew 15:23, Job 19, Romans 4:18-20)
b. Overcomes the Insensitivity and Failings of Man (Matthew 15:23)
c. Overcomes Every Obstacle (Matthew 15:24-25)
d. Overcomes Human Pride (Matthew 15:26-27)
3. True Faith Perseveres (Matthew 15:28, Genesis 32:24-28, Matthew 24:9-13)
B. To Demonstrate True Compassion
1. Compassion for the Individual (Mark 7:31-35)
2. Compassion for the Multitudes (Mark 8:1-10)
How To Build The Church
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 16:1-23
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 16:1-23
How to Build the Church
Matthew 16:1-23
A. Deal Wisely with the Enemies of the Church
(Matthew 16:1-4, 24:4-8, 2 Timothy 3:1-4)
B. Warn and Expose False Teachers in the Church
(Matthew 16:6-12, 23:25-28, Acts 23:8)
C. Celebrate the Sovereignty and Glory of God in the Church
(Matthew 16:13-17, Ephesians 1:3-7, 2:1-8)
D. Recognize and Encourage the Transformed Character of the Men in the Church
(Matthew 16:17-18, Ephesians 2:19-22)
E. Rest in the Security and Assurance of Christ over the Church
(Matthew 16:18)
F. Embrace your Position of Authority in the Church
(Matthew 16:19, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:20-21)
G. Maintain the Centrality of the Cross in the Church
(Matthew 16:21-22)
Following Christ: Salvation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 16:24- 17:8
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 16:24- 17:8
Following Christ: Salvation
Matthew 16:24-Matthew 17:8
A. Requirements of Salvation
1. Total Surrender
(Matthew 16:24, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 4:22-24)
2. Total Sacrifice
(Matthew 16:24)
3. Total Submission
(Matthew 16:24, 10:24-32, 8:19-21)
B. The Wisdom of Salvation
(Matthew 16:25)
C. The Urgency of Salvation
(Matthew 16:27, 24:36-39, Romans 2:6-10)
D. The Encouragement to Exult and Revel in Salvation
(Matthew 17:1-4, Luke 9:31, Daniel 10:5-6, Revelation 1:13-16, Romans 8:18, Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Corinthians 3:18)
E. The Command to Embrace Salvation
(Matthew 17:5, 2 Peter 1:17-20, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, 5:6-8, 10:9-13)
How To Treat Our Brother
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 18
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 18
How to Treat Our Brother
Matthew 18
A. Humbly Serve Our Brother
(Matthew 18:1-4, Mark 9:33-34)
B. Edify Our Brother
(Matthew 18:5-11)
How Not To Be A Stumbling Block:
1.By Realizing How Closely Christ Identifies with His Children (Matthew 18:5, Acts 9)
2. By Realizing The Danger of Incurring God's Wrath (Matthew 18:6-7)
3. By Dealing Severely with Personal Sin (Matthew 18:8-9)
4. By Realizing How Involved God and His Angels Are (Matthew 18:10)
5. By Realizing The Price Christ Paid (Matthew 18:11)
C. Pursue Our Brother
(Matthew 18:12-14)
D. Confront Our Brother
(Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, 2 Corinthians 2:5-8)
E. Forgive Our Brother
(Matthew 18:21-35)
1. Our Lord Commands It (Matthew 18:21-22)
2. Our Salvation Demands It (Matthew 18:23-27)
3. Our God Requires It (Matthew 18:28-34)
Principles Of Child-Rearing
Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 18:1-6
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Pastor:David Abeyta
Matt 18:1-6
Children: Gifts from God
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 18:1-6, 19:13-15
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 18:1-6, 19:13-15
Children: Gifts From God
Matthew 18:1-6, 19:13-15
A. What You Need To Know About Children:
1. Your Children Are Born With A Sinful Nature
(Psalms 51:5,58:3, Romans 5:12, Exodus 20:5)
2. Your Children Are Born Foolish
(Proverbs 22:15,13:24, Hebrews 12:5-11)
B. What You Need To Realize About Children:
1. Time Passes Quickly (Ephesians 5:16)
2. Time Changes Things (Ephesians 5:16)
C. What You Need To Accept About Children:
1. They Are All Unique Individuals
(Genesis 25:21-28, Proverbs 22:6)
2.They Are Going To Grow Up And Leave You
(Genesis 2:24)
D. What You Need To Give Your Children:
1. Give Them Stability
*A Stable Marriage
*A Stable Church
2. Give Them Time
E. What You Need To Watch Out For Regarding Your Children:
1. A Seductive World (1 John 2:15-16)
2. An Anemic Christianity (2 Peter 1:5-8)
3. A Hostile Education System
F. What You Need To Communicate To Your Older Children:
(1 John 2:1-4,18,28)
How To Divorce Proof Your Marriage
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:1-15
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:1-15
How to Divorce Proof Your Marriage
Matthew 19:1-15
A. Submit to The Authority of Scripture
(Matthew 19:3-4)
B. Embrace God's Master Plan (Monogamy)
(Matthew 19:4, 1 Peter 3:1-7)
C. Re-Prioritize All Other Loyalties
(Matthew 19:5)
D. Surrender To One Another
(Matthew 19:5-6, 1 Corinthians 7:1-9)
E. Punish Anyone Who Tries To Seperate You
(Matthew 19:6)
F. Develop A Forgiving Spirit
(Matthew 19:8, Colossians 3:12-14)
G. Adultery Proof Your Marriage
(Matthew 19:9)
H. Evaluate Whether You Are Supposed To Be Married
(Matthew 19:10-12, 1 Corinthians 7:7, 32-34)
Don't Hinder The Children: How Not to Hinder the Children
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:13-15
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:13-15
Don't Hinder the Children
How Not to Hinder the Children?
Matthew 19:13-15
1. Bring Them
(Matthew 18:5-6, Proverbs 14:4)
2. Protect Them
(1 Peter 5:8)
a. From Evil Influences
b. From Evil People
3. Encourage Them
(1 Thessalonians 2:10)
a. By Our Behavior
b. By Our Words
4. Pray For Them
(2 Timothy 1:1-6)
5. Provide Them With a Good Role-Model
(1 Corinthians 4:14-17)
6. Disciple Them
a. The Purpose (Ephesians 6:1-3)
b. The Technique
*Not Harsh
*Not Permissive
(1 Samuel 2:12-29, Proverbs 22:15, 23:13, 29:15)
7. Save Them
(Psalm 51:5, 58:3)
8. Free Them
(Exodus 20:5)
9. Value Them
(Psalm 127:3, 139:13-16)
Souls in the Balance
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:16-30
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 19:16-30
Souls in the Balance
Matthew 19:16-30
A. The Prospect For Salvation
(Matthew 1:16)
1. He was Empty
(Matthew 19:20, 23, Luke 18:18, Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)
2. He was Sincere
(Mark 10:17, John 3:1)
B. The Obstacles To Salvation
1. He was Externally Religious
(Matthew 19:16-20, 5:21-28)
2. He was Extremely Rich
(Matthew 19:22-25, 16:25-26, Luke 12:16-27)
C. The Requirements Of Salvation
1. Acknowledge Christ as God
(Matthew 19:16-17)
2. Admit You are A Sinner
(Matthew 19:17, Luke 18:9-14)
3. Accept the Lordship of Christ
(Matthew 19:21)
D. The Power For Salvation
(Matthew 19:25-26, 1 Peter 1:3-5)
E. The Author Of Salvation
1. He is Loving (Mark 10:20-21)
2. He is Lord (Mark 10:21)
F. The Rejection Of Salvation
(Mark 10:22, Luke 19:1-10)
G. The Blessings Of Salvation
(Mark 10:28-30)
Seven Principles of Salvation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:1-16
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:1-16
Amazing Grace
Seven Principles of Salvation
Matthew 20:1-16
Principle One
God Sovereignly Initiates and Accomplishes Salvation
(Matthew 20:1, John 15:16)
Principle Two
God Saves, Which is Based Completely on Grace, Not Works
(Matthew 20:1, 3, 5-6, Ephesians 2:8-9)
Principle Three
God is Compassionate and Merciful
(Matthew 20:6-7, 9:36-38)
Principle Four
God Redeems Everyone Who is Willing
(Matthew 20:6)
Principle Five
God Expects All Who Come to Him to Work
(Matthew 20:8, Philippians 1:21-22)
Principle Six
God Gives More Than is Deserved
(Matthew 20:13-15, 19:29)
Principle Seven
God Expects a Spirit of Gratitude and Humility
(Matthew 20:13-16)
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:20-28
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:20-28
Matthew 20:20-28
A. The Desire for Leadership
(Matthew 20:20-21)
1. Selfish Ambition (Mark 10:35-37)
2. Holy Ambition (1 Timothy 3:1, John 3:30, Matthew 11:11, Isaiah 6:1-8)
B. The Cost of Leadership
(Matthew 20:22)
1. Criticism (1 Corinthians 4:3-4)
2. Loss of Privacy
3. Fatigue
4. Responsibility
5. Target
6. Loneliness
C. The Preparation for Leadership
(Matthew 20:23)
1. Preparation Through Faithfulness in Little Things (Matthew 25:23)
2. Preparation Through All of Life's Experiences
3. Preparation Through Training (Joshua 1:1-9)
D. The Abuse of Leadership
(Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25)
E. The Ideal Form of Leadership
(Matthew 20:26-27, John 13:4-6)
F. The Model of Leadership
(Matthew 20:28)
Leadership Principles Pt 2
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:20-28
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:20-28
Leadership Principles From The Greatest Leader
Matthew 20:20-28
1. A Leader Delegates and Trains
(Matthew 10:1-6, 28:19-20, Luke 9:10)
2. A Leader Communicates
(Mark 10:32, Matthew 13:3-11)
3. A Leader Has Vision
(1 Peter 2:4, Revelation 1:5-6, 5:9-10)
4. A Leader Restores and Reclaims
(Matthew 26:33-75, John 21:15-17)
5. A Leader Has Goals
(Matthew 16:21-23, 26:39, John 6:14-15)
6. A Leader Inspires
(Matthew 4:19-20, 16:18)
7. A Leader is Loyal
(Matthew 11:2-11, 15:1-3)
8. A Leader Challenges
(Matthew 14:15-16)
9. A Leader is Organized
(Matthew 6:38-44, 1 Corinthians 14:33)
10. A Leader Rests
(Matthew 14:13; 15:21)
What If You Only Had One Week To Live?
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:29-26:29
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 20:29-26:29
What If You Only Had One Week to Live?
Matthew 20:29-26:29
Matthew 20:17
A. Saturday
1. You Would Try to Save as Many People as Possible
a. Jesus Saves a Blind Beggar
(Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46)
b. Jesus Saves A Rich Tax-Collector
2. You Would Spend Time with Close Friends
a. Close Friends Would Minister to You (John 12:1-2)
b. Close Friends Would Encourage You (John 12:3-7)
B. Sunday
1. You Would Celebrate the Victory and Accomplishments of Life (Matthew 21:1-9, Zechariah 9:9)
C. Monday
1. You Would Be Absorbed With God and His Glory (Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:11-15)
D. Tuesday
1. You Would Warn Your Loved Ones
a. About False Religion (Matthew 23:13-27)
b. About the Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:36-42)
E. Wednesday
F. Thursday
1. You Would Prepare Your Loved Ones to Carry-On
(Luke 22:1-13)
a. Carry-On With Love (John 13:12-15)
b. Carry-On With Joy (John 14:1-6)
c. Carry-On With Power (John 14:25-26)
d. Carry-On With Courage (John 15:18-20)
The Day Jesus Stopped Talking
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 21:23-22:46
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 21:23-22:46
The Day Jesus Stopped Talking
Judicial Withdrawal
Matthew 21:23-22:46
Matthew 21:23-27, 26:62-63, 27:12-14, Luke 23:8-9, Genesis 6:3
When Does God Withdraw the Offer of Salvation?
A. Willful Blindness and Hypocrisy
(Matthew 21:28-32)
*Lip Service (v.30)
*Rejection of The Message and The Evidence (v. 32)
B. Outright Hostility and Rebellion
(Matthew 21:23-45)
*The Land Owner is Concerned (Matthew 21:33-34)
*The Land Owner is Patient and Merciful (Mark 12:2-6)
*The Land Owner is Powerful and Righteous (Matthew 21:43-44)
C. Smug Dismissiveness, Apathy, and Hostility
(Matthew 22:1-14)
*Why did they Not Respond to the Invitation?
(Matthew 22:3)
-Too Busy and Pre-Occupied
(Matthew 22:4-5, 24:37-39)
-Hatred and Hostility
(Matthew 22:6-7)
*Why was The King So Concerned to have the Wedding Filled?
(Matthew 22:8-10)
*How to Get into The Wedding?
(Matthew 21:11-13, Galatians 3:27, Romans 13:14)
D. Treachery and Feigned Submission
(Matthew 22:15-45)
How To Go Through A Tribulation
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 24
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 24
How To Go Through A Tribulation
Matthew 24
A. Focus: Don't Be Seduced
(Matthew 24:4-5, 23-24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
B. Trust: Don't Be Frightned
(Matthew 24:6-8, Daniel 11:40-45)
C. Rejoice: Don't Be Surprised
(Matthew 24:9, 1 Peter 4:12-13, Revelation 7:9-14)
D. Endure: Don't Be Cowardly
(Matthew 24:10-17, 1 John 2:19, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Revelation 2:7, 11, 17)
E. Preach: Don't Be Silent
(Matthew 24:14, Revelation 7:4-9, 11:3-6, 14:6-7)
F. Flee, Into the Arms of Jesus: Don't Be Hesistant
(Matthew 24:16-26, Revelation 12:6-13)
G. Wait: Don't Panic
(Matthew 24:27-31)
The Second Coming Of Christ
Pastor: DavidAbeyta
Matt 24 & 25
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Pastor: DavidAbeyta
Matt 24 & 25
The Second Coming of Christ
Matthew 24 & 25
A. Why are People Unprepared for Christ's Second Coming?
1. They Don't Trust His Word (Matthew 24:32-35)
2. They Don't Value His Person (Matthew 24:38-39)
3. They Don't Fear His Judgment (Matthew 24:40-41, 25:31-46)
B. How can you be Prepared for Christ's Second Coming?
1. Stay Faithful (Matthew 24:45-49)
2. Stay Genuine (Matthew 25:1-13)
3. Stay Ambitious (Matthew 25:14-30)
The Resurrection
Pastor David Abeyta
Matt 28
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Pastor David Abeyta
Matt 28
The Resurrection
Matthew 28
1. The Resurrection Inspires Conviction
(Matthew 28:1-6)
2. The Resurrection Requires Urgent Proclamation
(Matthew 28:7)
3. The Resurrection Invokes Wonder
(Matthew 28:8)
4. The Resurrection Results in Worship
(Matthew 28:9)
5. The Resurrection Produces Courage
(Matthew 28:10)
6. The Resurrection Provokes Opposition
(Matthew 28:11-15)
7. The Resurrection Provides the Basis for Our Mission
(Matthew 28:16-20)
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Sermon on the Mount Applied to Marriage
Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 5:21-47
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Pastor: David Abeyta
Matt 5:21-47
Introduction: Matthew 5:21-47
A. What Destroys A Marriage? (Matthew 5:21-30)
1. Anger (Matthew 5:21-24, Ephesians 4:29-32, Romans 15:2-7, Galatians 5:16-22)
2. Adultery (Matthew 5:27-30, Exodus 20:14,17, Proverbs 5:8-22)
B. What Sustains A Marriage?
1. Conviction, Not Divorce (Matthew 5:31,19:6, Malachi 2:13-16, 1 Corinthians 7:12-13)
2. Commitment (Matthew 5:33-37)
C. What Enriches A Marriage (Matthew 5:38-41)
1. Non-Retaliation (Romans 13:4, 1 Peter 2:13-14)
2. Love (Matthew 5:43-46)